kenjie1221 cross-posted this post in Splinterlands last year

My first time in the Modern League grinding from Novice to Champ III

in #splinterlandslast year (edited)

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the internet! Thanks for stopping by I'm Kenji, and I'm thrilled to have this platform to share my thoughts and ideas on Splinterlands. Whether you're here for information, inspiration, or just a good read, I hope you'll find something that resonates with you.
I'll start by describing how I first heard of Splinterlands. I first discovered about Splinterlands, the game I've loved since my Yu-gi-oh days, in October 2021. Since I can't afford to play Axie Infinity, I started looking for a game where we only need a very small sum of money to start playing and hopefully earn some money later. This is especially true here in the Philippines during the pandemic, where having a little extra cash really helps us to survive the said global crisis. After watching a video about Splinterlands that was posted by a local YouTuber here in the Philippines, I realized I had discovered a game that would benefit me not just monetarily but also psychologically and spiritually and the rest is history.

Today, I started my first blog ever about splinterlands, and I'm sure there will be many more to follow.!
Going back to our topic 😂, You might ask why modern league? why not wild?

First and foremost, I haven't played since January of this year since teaching public high school students in the Philippines requires a lot of time commitment (there are events everywhere), especially now that face-to-face instruction has just started again.

Second is that modern league only needs more or less 12k dec to reach Champ III

Subsequently, given that various leagues have varied METAS, I believe that competition in the modern league is much easier than it was in the wild league.

And last, even though I can't enter the Champion Tier Leaderboards, I just want to challenge myself, have new atmosphere and played against other players. And I'm quite interested in watching how these 'MONSTER' guys perform in the modern league.

Here is my current profile, immediately following the most recent season. As you can see, I used my 12k Dec Budget-Meal Rental Deck to get the highest rating in the Modern League of 3992, falling 8 points short of Champ II. Keep reading because I'll be sharing some crucial information with you if you are interested in achieving Champion III in only two rental cycles or even less who knows hahahhaha

The following picture is my alt account profile from DSM guild. Shout out to you my very good friend Yohuld and my guildmates hope to play brawls with you guys soon.I just wanted to show you where my highest rank (16) came from when I still had the luxury of time and money to compete Leaderboards in Diamond League. So if you guys want me to write some important things to know to compete leaderboards in Diamond League just let me know in the comments..

Here are the things you need to consider in Modern league-grinding from novice to Champ III

1.) Meta Cards. we all know that different leagues have different metas, the same goes to different tiers as well. here some cards you need to have if you want to have an easier grinding to Champion

NOVICE - Bronze:
    Earth - Mylor, Mycelia
    Water - Kelya, Oshannus and also the sneak cards (pelacor and uraeus)
    Death - Thaddius, Cursed Windeku and Shavi

For Silver, Gold and Max Cards kindly refer to the following photos by element (daily,max cards and modern should be your filters) Note its only my opinion based on the deck ive recently used to reach champ tier







NOTE: Some cards are not included due to following reasons (availability of cards, rental market price, and others)

Why? Here's the thing: Every season, fewer players, including Leaderboard players, participate when the next season begins. To give themselves an advantage over other players like us, they typically play early in the season. On the other side, late in the season, the level of competition is at an all-time high since LB players are still playing to give themselves one final push in the season. We must thus choose the best time for our rent cycle, which, in my experience, is often 3-5 days before the conclusion of the season when the competition is somewhat easier and we have a better possibility of moving up to the top tier in only two or even better one rent cycle.

3.) Motivation
what else bruh? we need motivation its as simple as 1+1 = 2.. we need the drive, the hunger, the pride we seek, and the bragging rights we need o push us toward achieving our objective, the CHamp tier.

4.) and Lastly the Love for the Game :))))))

That would be it for today. In closing, I want to emphasize the significance of understanding the fundamentals of the game we all love . There's always more to learn and discover, whether you're a novice or a champ expert. Continue learning, developing, and challenging yourself to reach new levels. I appreciate you reading what I had to say. I hope that was both interesting and pleasant for you. Please feel free to leave any comments or inquiries in the space provided below. Please share your opinions with me! See Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh