The New Dawn of Splinterlands

in Splinterlands22 days ago


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I wanted a game that could offer me a good experience without being too expensive, reducing potential losses in case they are bad. I was out for low-budget NFT games that offered actual gameplay rather than PNG collectibles like other NFTs.


My interest with the Axie Infinity trend led me to discover Splinterlands through browsing YouTube. During that time where that game had gained popularity in our country, I dived deeper into it and found it good. After some thinking, I decided against starting my journey with Axie Infinity as it would be too costly to invest in it.

I found out that you can get upvotes in Hive with Splinterlands content. I wanted to earn an upvote from Splinterlands by creating a post, which at first, failed. As a result, I decided to give the game a second chance only after a month. Because of it not being particularly profitable, I eventually lost interest and stopped playing altogether.

After a while, I just played Splinterlands and gave it another shot. During my play sessions, I shared my experiences on Hive. To my surprise, an upvote came my way, which I used to expand my card collection to what it is now. This combination of playing and sharing content made my time with Splinterlands delightful and fulfilling and I've been hooked ever since. Even though I don't find the game profitable due to low rewards, the posting in Hive covered for it and I found myself drawn back to the game.


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Duration of Participation

I've been playing Splinterlands for a while now. I still consider myself being a novice player who approaches the game casually. Within that time, I've discovered a vast amount of new things to learn and explore. Over the course of 15 months, I've dedicated myself to diving deeper into the complex world of Splinterlands Wild Format. There's something fun about the freedom to rent and use every card possible at my disposal even if it means making the game and battles more difficult as a whole.

I also fell in love with The Kraken's strong overall prowess and you can only play him in Wild Format so that's another reason I prefer the Wild Format.


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Time Spent in Splinterlands

I do my best to allocate a few hours each day whenever possible. Balancing my studies and daily work commitments makes it challenging to sit and play to Splinterlands for a long time. Whether it's daily or weekly, I simply log in whenever I have the time to spare after doing my other responsibilities. Being the only child, the responsibilities of houseworks fall on my shoulders along with the schoolworks that take a lot of my time. I make sure to play at least 15 games a day throughout the day to make sure I get that sweet glint each day but I don't have a fixed schedule for playing.


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Right now, I'm not trying to climb the leaderboards and just play for fun. As a casual player, I don't have the luxury of playing Splinterlands all day. I only play it once a day whenever I am available. In fact, I just enjoy the game for what it is. So, compared to others, I still have a lot to learn and improve for sure.

Depite my very limited time, It's still a feat reaching the Champion League especially when you can see real players gaming in Wild Format. Reaching Champion league in Splinterlands has been my only notable achievement so far. It's an accomplishment but I don't consider it a great feat due to the number of bots in that format.

I also doubt I would get the top 20 of Champion League since fighting a Golden level 4 Yodin Zaku scarred my heart so bad that I might want to surrender as soon as I see that. I may have fell out of Champion League now but I still make sure I am around the Gold League so I could gather that good amount of glint for my deck. I will try to get back to Champion League from time to time but the rental is kind of expensive so I might not be able to do that a lot until I reach a decent competency in my owned cards.


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Upcoming Goals

Completing my card collection and putting it in a good competent level so I can continue reaching Champion league is my goal for now.

I would also like to have a copy of each and every card in the game even if it's only level 1 just so I could have them all, like in Pokemon.


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Advice for Beginners

Whether your goal is to be in the leaderboards of Splinterlands or prefer a more relaxed approach like mine, fun is key. It would be a long hard battle and the time you stopped enjoying the game, is the time you would quit playing just like what happened to me at the start. For new players, my advice is simple: just enjoy the game.

Enjoy the game, learn from your experiences, and use them to enhance your skills and builds. The greater you improve, the more you will enjoy this game in the long run. Bear in mind, every journey begins at the start. Whether it's cooking or gaming, it everyone always start from the basics.


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Final Thoughts

Without patience, it's easy to become discouraged as I did. I recall struggling at the start when I was novice and low Bronze league before finding my footing. Splinterlands presents a significant challenge especially for new players. Unlike many games, Splinterlands lacks a tutorial for beginners when I started. Upon buying the spellbook, you'll be thrown into the battle to fend for yourself without anything except your wit.

I'm sure it is better now and still going better as explained in the latest Town Hall. They are planning to improve the new player experience by providing the tutorial it so definitely needed. It's a lot better than before going in the game completely blind. Now, I believe that Splinterlands new players are going to have better experience especially those who don't have experience playing online card games.

I am expecting more changes in the future along with more fun engagements and development in the game as seen on the progress map. This is definitely exciting with how the changes evolve every time.


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If you have suggested combos or questions, feel free to comment it down below.

If you are planning to play and is inspired by my post, please consider using my referral link:

I do not own any of the photos in this post. All credits goes to:

  • Splinterlands
  • Peakmonsters
  • Canva

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Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss