Brawl Report #88, Social Media Challenge, Sweeping My Way In!


Some more fun in the brawls, this was a really good one for me, which is fitting, I will not be posting these for a week a couple of weeks due to having to leave and go across the country for my father’s funeral, so mind will be elsewhere. However, we can keep this alive and moving, always changing, moving up the ladder!

So, let’s start by looking at SPS which is currently trending at $0.022, it is dropping more, not a great thing, but the potential is great! So let’s get awareness of this game, follow me on twitter and retweet! Let’s bring attention to it like a guy who is throwing pizza to a crowd! @DrKqaos If you are not playing Splinterlands yet, click on any of the battles or the link towards the bottom, would love to have you!

On to the battle, the guild as a whole filled 16 out of 16 frays for this one, yeah buddy, the full house! This one is in Silver Chaos Legion only fight with 8 fights that have my name.

Battle #1 (Link)
We do begin this one at the home arena looking at 55 mana, no legendary, supersneak, along with small fry. I’m going fire on this one for that extra melee damage, and I have some decent hitters with the under 4 mana. They went water, hoping that extra shield will help them out, and it just might. However, the blast from the rats is what really won me this fight!


Battle #2 (Link)
Always great to start off with a win, let’s see if I can keep the trend going in the home arena with 36 mana, melee only, and divine shield. I am going earth on this one, mostly because I can use Quora and the Drybone raider to attack since they have double attack on them with ranged and melee. They went water, that reach can hurt a lot. Quora came through on this one, not to mention the shatter from the raider, a good fight for me!


Battle #3 (Link)
Now, I leave for the road wit the third battle, hopefully it will go well for me. This time, sticking with the divine shield, amplify, and the sneak, but only 20 mana. I’m going for death this time, hoping that the amplify will really hurt them with the thorns. They went water, that shield might not do me so well. I was able t o make my way through them, with some nice help with poison!


Battle #4 (Link)
Starting of the end for me on this one, back at home with 36 mana, divine shield, common and rare only, along with cripple, ouch. I decided to go death on this one, the cripple hurts, but when you combine it with life leech, it is not too bad, plus the scavenge helps. They went light, which is going to hurt a decent amount for me. The building up helped me a lot on this one, not to mention, taking away their health and magic damage, really helped.


Battle #5 (Link)
This is a short one for me, with only 5 battles, so this is the last one, on the road, which is okay, 28 mana, fog of war on this one. I’m going water on this one, hoping the speed and the armor hold up. They went earth, that magic damage can always cause problems, not to mention the healing from quora and the psychic! Flagulon won this one for me, that blast, just knocked them out quickly!


With under seven hours to go, I did a clean sweep with 5 and 0, I will take that at anytime! Meanwhile the guild is holding out in 1st place, let’s hope we maintain that one!
A few of us got some nice clean sweeps, we ended up in second place, can’t complain about that!

Due to the merits from this brawl, I was able to pick up two gladius packs, I like this!



Check out other Pizza Guild Brawls:
@relf87 Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 – Gladius Cards Stormed To A Perfect Brawl!
@candnpg Splinterlands – Social Media Challenge and Brawl Report
@blitzzzz 📚📝Diary of My Splinterlands Journey Week 77📝📚 — Pizza 2🍕 Weekly Guild Brawl Report⚔️🛡️ & News of the Splinter World 📰
@vaynard86 Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (May 12 - May 18) + Brawl Report
@lucimorningstar Splinterlands Guild Brawl Battle Pizza 420 Calzones

Thank you for reading this far, additionally, I do want to thank the people in Pizza, a great place to hang out! I have learned a lot from it and there are great people and a very positive community.

You can find them here: Awesome Pizza Discord

I’m starting to track the Pizza token a little bit more as well, it is currently sitting at $0.01191 a great time to stake that 20 Pizza to get that badge! Not to mention, a place to hang out, lots of positivity that we need!

At some point I will be doing some other posts about my experiences in Crypto, but here are some links if you are interested in some other NFT Games or other games as well!

If you use my referral link I will send you 200 DEC to get started!
Layer 2 Labs
A Great community for Splinterlands, with games and a faucet to help players as well, new name, was Splinterlabs.
Rising Star
Great music NFT and a way to support up and coming musicians!
Still learning this one, but it is a football (American Soccer), easy to set up and go!
Star Citizen Referral code: STAR-LRKQ-D6NK
Space game, still in alpha development, playable, very immersive, sign up with the referral code it will give you money in the game along with both of us receiving a free ship!
A great way to get into Crypto mining, easy to set up, code gets you a 0.25% fee discount, uses the graphics card while you are not using your computer, or you can mine with just your CPU.

Let me know if there are any questions, you can find me in the messages here or in the Pizza Discord.

Remember to reach across the aisle and talk to someone that might be different than you, you might be amazed at the person you find!

Lastly, thank you again, remember you are awesome and have a wonderful week!
Dr. Kqaos

Photos come from PowerPoints stock image, Bitmoji with Splinterlands logo on top of it, or my own screen shots of Splinterlands, pizza dividers by @candnpg
Disclaimer: This is my opinion, not financial advice.

Posted using Splintertalk


This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Awesome job!

Thank you!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
kqaosphreak tipped relf87
@kqaosphreak(2/15) tipped @candnpg
relf87 tipped kqaosphreak
candnpg tipped kqaosphreak


Have to love that one!

Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice