Introducing myself to the community!

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

I've only been on my journey into Splinterlands for a week or so but I haven't properly introduced myself yet so I will we be doing so in this post.

My name is Evan and I am from Ontario, Canada. I was born and raised in a town nearby but moved to my current place of residence when I was 5. I turned 18 just this year but was interested in the world of crypto for a year or so prior. Unfortunately that resulted in my getting into the market a bit late but I'm still enjoying my time here.

My Background
Considering I'm not that old my background still has much development but basically i started as a paper boy when I was much younger and worked as a cashier from 2019 to 2021. I am currently unemployed and taking up crypto gaming as a hobby while I job hunt. However these games have truly captivated me so I plan on continuing to play when I do find a main source of income.

where I plan in going with Splinterlands
While I haven't got far into the game yet, I have no main goal but wish to work my way up the ranks and hopefully build strong bonds with other members of the community as I build my deck and build my rank. I am looking forward to playing with you all and I hope to build strong relationships with this community. Thanks you for reading my little introduction message,


P.S Thanks to @lovesniper and @fionasfavourites for the recommendation that I make this post!