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RE: Today I Just Bought Demented Shark

in Splinterlandslast year (edited)

Hey @dewabrata!

Congratulations on your purchase of the Demented Shark in Splinterlands! It's always exciting to add new cards to our collection, even if they may not be the flashiest ones. I can understand why you felt a bit sorry for the Demented Shark, being released at a time when the Water Element was more focused on magic. But hey, every card has its moment to shine!

I really enjoyed reading your analysis of how the Demented Shark can be a game-changer in the Bronze League, especially when paired with Pelacor Bandit and Uraeus. It's great to see you considering different strategies and how this card fits into the melee meta. In the Silver League, combining the Demented Shark with Dhampir Infiltrator and Diemonshark sounds promising. I appreciate your honesty about the card's limitations in the Gold League, where other cards like River Hellondale may offer more versatility.

As for your purchase, it's always a personal decision. If you're happy with your Gold Foil Demented Shark, then that's what matters! It's understandable that you may not want to level it up to Gold, considering its cost and limited benefits. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide whether to buy more copies of the card or not. Just remember to have fun and enjoy the game!

Best of luck in your future battles @dewabrata, and thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Demented Shark. Keep up the great work in #Splinterlands!
