Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Playing Splinterlands Since 2021

in Splinterlands2 months ago


Hello Splinterlands Summoners! As our game is approaching its sixth year anniversary, let me share my experience in the game.

I discovered Splinterlands in 2021 at the height of play to earn craze. I was playing several games and some of them were in the Wax blockchain. I noticed Splinterlands assets were being sold in Atomic Hub so I decided to try it. That was when I started playing Splinterlands and also my start in the Hive blockchain.

My priority then was the earnings from the games, I didn't care much if the game is good or fun. However, unlike some of the play to earn games, Splinterlands is fun to play. It's a challenging game that made me try to predict what my opponent will play. Being a chessplayer, I found it enjoyable to think several moves ahead as I choose the abilities of my cards and counter my opponent's.

This game is also about collecting and trading cards so I spend a lot of time in the marketplace trying to find good deals. My earnings from the game went to building my deck. I can still remember how I saved and bought my first key card -- Mylor Crowling. This is a key card and has a high win rate because of his thorns ability. I can even win against magic when I use the proper team like Unicorn Mustang, Mushroom Seer and Wood Nymph.


When Chaos Legion came out I was able to grow my deck to competitively play in the Silver League. I also increased my SPS staked. My plan was to keep improving my deck to play in the highest level. However, I stopped all play to earn activities last year due to other commitments and I needed funds so sadly I had to let go of all my NFTs including Splinterlands and other games in the Hive blockchain. Recently, I returned to playing by borrowing decks from Gateway.

Nowadays, I mainly play for enjoyment and don't care much about the earnings. Rather than play to earn, I treat this game as play and earn. That will also be my advise to potential new players. Play the game and have fun and it will be more rewarding. Don't care much about how much you will earn--just play and appreciate the challenge it brings...it is a game after all and not a livelihood 😀

Thank you for reading and happy anniversary, Splinterlands!

If you are not playing Splinterlands yet, then consider doing so by using my referral.

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