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RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 09 May 2024 (Ratings!)

in Splinterlandslast month

Hello my friend,

I am gradiually increase my SPS stake and its value just going down day by day. Even my card collection is in record low now, because it cost only 166 USD, which was 500 USD a year ago. I do not know where is the real bottom of this... 😔

Chests was the only good thing before even if you didn't win too much things at least it was a joy to open them. !LUV 😜

It is true, I was about to get legendary card also, but I read something about bringing back the random loot chests for the shop, just waiting for them to implement it and to see the cost of it. !PGM 😊

I hope it is not going to be empty anytime soon or we will see decline like in SPLD? Do not want to feel that again. !LOLZ 😅

I am planning to go on the first tour on wednesday next week and I hope the weather will be nice plus we need to wake up early, which is not really my favorite. 🤗

Going out and even study is always depleting energy, but hopefully you will be a great programmer soon and you can start your own app or hive project! 🤞

You better drink 2 times more than normally would do, because the dehidration is taking its toll easily. Lucky you do not drink alcohol or you have a different rules about that? 😉

Have a lovely weekend my brother, take care and stay cool!


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