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RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 19 May 2024 (Ratings!)

in Splinterlands β€’ 28 days ago

Hello my friend,

That is totally true, but in a game like SPLD it is hard to believe that they do not have money. !PGM πŸ€‘ Look for example Axie, similar project, good chain and they give out thousands of dollars of rewards every season to players and the token value is still rising and they got a nice game. 😁

I managed to play few games in WOO, but the rules of the battle is unknown to me and I won only one game as the gameplay is horrible at the moment plus still not enough players playing. !LOLZ 😜

I should have to play at least once per season, but I do not want to lose a lot of DEC like I did last time and if I rent cheap than I will lose a lot of battles. Renting out is not a real option, because it requires a lot of management and I got only few good cards the rest is super cheap. Only Rebellion cards worth renting, because they are super expensive, but cost a lot to buy them also. Strange situation happening right now. πŸ˜’

Have a lovely day my brother and take care to everyone you !LUV πŸ˜‡