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RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 20 May 2024 (Ratings!)

in Splinterlands27 days ago

Hello my friend,

The only thing I fear in Axie as well that they will inflate the coin too much and they will lose value. Currently you need to burn AXS to upgrade or breed your axie, which is good, but the team always nerfs and buffs the axies, so they never have the same power like they had before! !PGM 😊

The main problem again is that there is no real and good gameplay, which works smoothly and nice to the eyes. Paul with the Cryptocompany is at least always doing something and he has a working mini game, the only problem is that he doesn't really have a huge or more bigger supporters. I am too small for him! !LUV 😁

I imagine that you lost alot of value, but still don't understand who is that guy and why they give him all the control in a decentralized world, where everyone is able to vote. !LOLZ 😅

Look at the country weather right now, big storm coming to us in the north east corner. 😱


Maybe it will pass just front of us! 😆

I can not imagine how you are able to control your body temp in such a condition, you must be super strong and drink like a camel. 😉

Have a lovely day my brother and take care! 😇