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RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 21 May 2024 (Ratings!)

in Splinterlands26 days ago

Hello my friend,

That is waht I hope as well, but also I do not want to invest too much on current Axie builds, because if it got nerfed that my investment is gone. So they have to find a good balance to protect the players losing too much and create a token that has growing value! !PGM 🤑

That is true what you said, but at least I can see that that his project is going forward. SPLD is stuck on the same level long time and only cards came out plus this silly land and airdrop things. !LOLZ 🤣

Clayborn should be happy that most of the whales are backing him up otherwise his 'work' will be pointless and he would be released as soon as possible, sadly he is not on the players side right now... 😒

Luckily we didn't get hit by the power of the storm only had some rain, which I was happy about, because lightning could cause a lot of damage in electronic devices. 😜

You should go to the beaches and enjoy your day over there under umbrella and in the sea! 😇 Is it dangerous to go to the sea? and how is the temp of that?

!LOLZ has some issues I think, because the comments are not doing anything. Hope it not going to close as well...

Have a lovely and cool day my brother and take care! 😉