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RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 23 May 2024 (Ratings!)

in Splinterlands24 days ago

Hello my friend,

The Town Hall just came out and there is lot of promises to change the game and minimise the inflation of the SPS, but if only half of that would be true what they promise the game would be superb. !LOLZ 😅

I am playing again for two days, but it is very difficult to do more than 50% win rate, because many players are in Silver League with over 3 million CP and most of them got Champion titles! I do not understand what the hell they are doing there? !PGM 😜

Monsoon will be a difficult time and I think it is more dangerous than the heatwaves due to flooding and diseases. Hope you survive that without any issues! 🤞

OMG that is a really warm sea and I would !LUV to try that, because I like when it is warm. Rivers and lakes are also nice if the surrounding environment is beautiful. Will show you some nice pics when I will finish my post about our hike! 😊

Yesterday all of the !LOLZ worked at the same time and hopefully they are not going down like the other tokens...

Would like to wish you an amazing weekend and take care brother! 😉