Accomplishments That I Got In These 5+ Years

in Splinterlands29 days ago


Hello beautiful people we are celebrating 6 years of journey of splinterlands and this social media challenge is part of this celebration. I have shared multiple posts regarding my accomplishments of Splinterlands in the past but this time I just want to share my accomplishments in the reward. I mean to say I am not going to talk about my total earnings but I want to share some specific rewards that I got in these years. I don't remember every single reward But I will try to cover it according to my memory power.

75k DEC From Quest Reward

Earlier, when the Quest Reward System existed, DEC Tokens were also given as rewards in loot chests. So this is about that time and I got 75k DEC from one loot chest. I can't show you screenshot or any other material because it was a long time ago but it was a great moment for me. You know this type of reward gives us goosebumps as well as it gives inspiration to play more and try our luck. That time DEC price was higher too so you can understand this feeling. DEC is a stablecoin but still, it went up in the past and now there is a sps burning system in which you can burn your sps for dec and this is only beneficial if the price of dec is higher than the peg price does not even think to try this for now.

PHANTOM OF THE ABYSS gold foil (from untamed pack)

I sold this card for $659 and I got this card from the untamed pack. Nowadays the price has gone down but in the past, the price was higher. So $659 is not a small amount and Splinterlands allows earning big rewards like this. One thing I admit is that nowadays you can't earn like this because the cards you are getting are soulbound but one day these cards will be available in the market too.

YODIN ZAKU (gold foil)

Yes, I got Yodin Zaku gold foil in the past and sadly I sold this card immediately this was my mistake and I still regret it. This is a great summoner with +1 ranged, +1 health, and blast ability for all the monsters. Currently, there are only two cards available as you can see in the below screenshot.


you can see two cards are available one is for $575 and the other is for $895. Even though the splinterlands market is down and the cards are down this card is managed to trade at a good price. So this is a valuable card and I regret it. It will easily cross the $1000 price when the price goes up because this summoner is most useful for battles.

Other than these rewards I got many other valuable rewards but I don't remember details because my memory power is not stronger. I wish that more players would join the Splinterlands and that our old Splinterlands will come back. Because new players will help the market to grow and this is what we want. We miss old splinterlands. I hope you liked this post please share it using #splinterlands and #play2earn tags and also do comment below. New users join splinterlands under me the referral link is below. Glad you are here.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥


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