Best time to buy very cheap POWER!

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hello guys it's me again maggotmilk, I'm here again to bring you news on what you may potentially miss out on, buying CHEAP POWER!

As everyone may know by now, due to the influx of new cards from the chaos legion pack, chaose legion reward cards are definitely being disregarded and are even sold for very cheap prices! for what reason? to accumulate DEC to buy more packs!chromecapture 63.jpg

Remember when Venari Heatsmith used to sell for 0.120$ (about 30ish collection power per 1 usd) ? it has now dropped to 0.66$! thats a about a 50% percent drop in price which means i would be getting about 70ish collection power per 1 USD, almost more than twice the cp i would get per dollar.
chromecapture 64.jpg

Although yes, buying actual necessary card for building your deck would be better but i mean, if you have a few couple bucks to spare, buying these cheap cards wouldn't hurt, whats more is these cards will eventually pay for themselves after every season through loot chests plus the airdrop!

That's all, hope y'all have a very merry christmas!


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