It's a New Season, let the Analysis Begin, MangoMayhem Journey Continued

in Splinterlands11 months ago

(Taken from

For some reason, since all of these updates within Splinterlands have been taking effect, I feel compelled to share my journey and thoughts, and processes based on the premise that it may help others as well as myself, understand just that little bit more.

So this season, I have decided to track my progress in terms of SPS earnings since the update regarding the SPS requirements. As the update was dropped half way through the season, I felt unable to make a decent comparison in terms of rewards. I did however see a drop in SPS distributed for each win compared to previous seasons and games. I was still optimistic as I realize the overall benefit that this change would have to the economy, which is apparent now, however felt obliged to complete detailed analysis based on my own journey.


We have seen a significant increase in staked SPS, and with this in affect, if I am not mistaken last week, @leveluplifeph and I had checked the total stake and it was approximately in the 400m mark, so looking at the figures above, it is heading in a positive direction. Since the update, we have seen a rise in the overall price of SPS, from $0.17 to $0.24.


So what am I doing differently. I Intentionally dropped down into Diamond League in both formats so that I could participate in a variety of tournaments that I was unable to join due to remaining in Champion after every EOS. As mentioned in my previous post, it is a great way to earn additional SPS though participation and meeting staking requirements. I am not fond of the High Stake Tournaments due to known reasons, however there are others that I do like to join into and payout well in both Diamond and Gold leagues.


Yesterday I regenerated my energy back to 50. I rented my cards (34500 DEC for 3 days) and continued to play ranked in the WILD format. I plan to remain in Champion in WILD and will play here for the majority of this season and push for Modern Diamond Leaderboards towards the end of this season. This is simply because rewards for wins are much better even early on (about 5 SPS on average) and as well as this, most of the available Diamond Tourneys are in Modern Format, so it would be in my interest to remain in Diamond in Modern.


Leaderboards for me seem easier to achieve in the Modern Format and anything extra in terms of Leaderboard rewards are just the gravy on top, we can consider it my rental and energy funds. If you look at the rewards obtained through playing WILD in Diamond League, I was able to secure almost 200 additional, not to mention other earnings from elsewhere.


These will be my areas of focus in terms of recording the required data for analysis, I plan to log this down on a daily basis it is already a routine. It will also assist me in finding out investment opportunities and to track whether existing initiatives are profitable towards my SPS Treasure Hunt. The end goal is to stake everything, but my way will be less aggressive and more gradual this time around. I will use SPLEX also to find the median on EOS rewards (I understand that this is RNG based, however it is nice to see if these changes will effect in a positive or negative way.

NO more money.jpg

I will still be accumulating SPS using dry powder until I can reach the desired goal, on a short term, I am aiming for 300k SPS but for the long term I will aim for 1 Million. I don't want to remain a "Rookie" I want to join the "Big Dogs" One day. I will also be going back into the liquidity pools, especially SPS:HIVE and VOUCHER: HIVE, I would be comfortable earning 100 SPS from LP and 100 SPS from the Staked Rewards. Including my average battles, I would be looking at around 400 Per Day, which seems effective towards my short term goals.

I have decided to stop purchasing cards moving forward. Simply because I want to focus on SPS, once I can complete my preparations, I can buy stuff as a small reward for myself. Right now, the rental market seems affordable and my personal deck is in a good place. Now I just need to improve as a player. The hardest thing for me is to cap the number of game I play, that I cannot promise. Splinterlands remains for me, an enjoyable and competitive experience.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I hope that it has given you some insight and is useful to you in some way or another. Should you have any feedback, please do not hesistate as to comment below.

This is MangoMayhem signing out, ciao for now, I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield (Let's push SPS to the Moon)

MangoMayhem by DamienWolf.png

"We Thrive together Kapamilya"

(Other Screenshots taken from Splinterlands IGN: Mangomayhem and google images)


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