Splinterlands Amazing Battle with a lot of DEC!

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Splinterfans!

I've been playing a lot, I would like to publish more, but I can't find the time, so I decided to continue this series of memorable battles...


Once in a while, I remember saving the link of a battle that was somehow interesting, amazing, or instructive.

I also like to talk about my favorite cards and Naga Warrior is one of them.

Click on the image to watch the fight:

In addition to Retaliate, it's Enrage ability that makes it super fast and strong when stoked, makes it able to destroy seemingly impenetrable enemy positions.

Even more with the help of an important card essential in this strategy, the Ice Pixie, which is very fast, usually one of the first to attack the enemy tank and has Shatter removing the armor so that Naga can do the blood work.

Okay, it would be harder for Naga if she went head to head with Lord Arianthus for example, but another interesting aspect of this battle was the amount of DEC that I managed to collect after this victory; almost 350!


It is a considerable amount for a single battle, if I continued at this pace I would need only 3 victories in a row to make 1000 DEC! Amazing.

This happened approximately 24 hours after the end of the last season, stay tuned to play at this moment, as the DEC reward pool is fuller than usual and you can collect a much larger amount per win. Here's the tip!

I hope you enjoyed it. See you soon at the battlefield!

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Images: @splinterlands



Interesting battle.

I'm wondering if those Eels are a good combination with the pixie - with shatter coming after the Eeels, they seemed to have reduced effectiveness. I'd have put maybe something else in there.

Still that's a lot of Dec!

it's true, I could have used a Mermaid Healer for example, and the Ruler of the Seas in place of the Mischievous Mermaid.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is incredible how you seemingly have a maxed gold foil deck. Very impressive. When you play gold foil tournaments are there any other players you face with such high cards? I own $4300 worth of gold foil cards but I am not allowed to play gold foil tournaments because that is apparently not enough collection power to participate.

Manually curated by @flauwy

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@monster-curator, Well, I never took any dime out of the game and everything I get from prizes I use to buy more gold foil cards, my last purchase was Magnor. Who I know who has a very strong collection of gold foil is @michealb, although he has more Dice and Untamed and I more Beta. Thank you! I am proud of my collection, to be better only if it was Alpha. :D

Yep all maxed gold untamed, but not all maxed dice. slowly buying more alpha.