Two new tournaments!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hello dear Splinterfanatic friends like me, lovers of the best blockchain game in the world!


Today I come to present 2 new tournaments that I just created, intending to help beginning players. The first is the Alpha gold foil Flesh Golem Delegation Festival:

Alpha Flesh Golem Gold Foil Festival


In this tournament in addition to DEC and UNTAMED booster packs, a large number of players will be awarded the delegation for more than 30 days of this fabulous card.

For those who don't know 1 single card (1BCX) already comes in level 4 for being a common Alpha gold foil.


And this card also has a bonus of + 20% in DEC for battle win, 10% for being gold foil, and + 10% for being Alpha.

I'm sure that being able to use this card for 2 seasons is a great reward for players in the Bronze or Silver league.

The other tournament will be a Summoners Festival. And it's not a delegation of summoners, the winners will win the card as prizes!

Summoners Awards Festival


One of my friends had donated a Mother Khala card to add as a prize in one of the tournaments, it was kept for a few weeks when I came up with the idea of ​​making a campaign to gather some more summoners and do a specific tournament with this one theme.

When I suggested the idea, promptly many enthusiastic friends and players donated several other summoners to the project, including some legendaries, take a look at everything I achieved in a few minutes thanks to the help of these extraordinary big heart...


There have been 5 tournaments created since the beginning of the project and I must say that it has been a huge success!

Criticisms and suspicions that the prizes would mostly go to bots and experienced players proved unfounded.

We were able to observe that the vast majority, if not all the beneficiaries, have been the beginning players, who on many occasions have thanked me effusively on Discord for this initiative.

I hope that I can continue to design and create these tournaments for a long time and that they will be a haven for new players to have a chance to be rewarded and with the prizes to improve their card collections sustainably.


If you made it this far, please leave your comment with suggestions so that I can improve the format of these tournaments.

Should I add new editions of cards? For example; Dice cards? I must do tournaments for Bronze league too? What awards would you like to see?

To all who have helped so far by donating Cards, DEC, SPT, Packs, etc., again my thanks! You are awesome:

@carrieallen, @kiokizz, @hapablap, @simplymike, @abcor, @jrvacation, @mattclarke, @unitqm, @davemccoy, @warrentrx, @byzantinist, @tanzofett, @masshole, and @twinner!

Thank you, see you soon and good luck on the battlefield!

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Join the fun now: Sign up here.

Images: @splinterlands



aww looking so cute

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

Thanks but I'm a little chubby right :D

For the rewards... I'd stick to untamed cause the tournaments for Bronze mostly don't allow other editions. Maybe get some leveled up versions of cards? Lvl 3 commons?

However if we're trying to help people climb the ladder then go with Beta Cards... There are sooooo many good beta cards in the pool.

hmm, You say, offer Beta cards as prizes? I loved the idea. :)

Wow, it's THE Mary Emily! :) Thanks for hosting the tourneys, they've been fun. Let me know how I can assist!

Thank you! I want suggestions for the next :)

Honestly, I am still a relatively new player, so my main concerns around tourneys currently are the cost to participate and the dec awarded. My biggest annoyance with most of the tournaments at the moment is the limiting of cards to Untamed only.

Keep up the good work!

Awesome job again Mary Emily!!! ...and you are right about the tourneys keeping out the bots! That's a very big deal and has really enabled the smaller and newer players to experience the game in a fun and exciting way! I'm thrilled to see what you are doing for this part of the community and you're a gift to the game! :)

Thanks, again I must say that nothing would be possible without your invaluable help. We are together on this journey.

This is a test for a logo

spring training with shamrocks.gif


go get em sunflower girl upvoted :)

Nice! I'm already supporting myself in the gold league, so I can't participate in these tournaments anymore. But when I participated it helped me a lot. Thank you for helping new players.

As a new player, I just wanna say thanks for organizing all these tournaments. Not only does it boost the younger, weaker players, but it also gives us a way to play and experience the game more often.

I think the format is great, will definitely continue to participate and hope to be able to contribute in the future.

thanks for the tournament, I have joined the tournament but I can't find how to play this tournament. This is my first time in the tournament.
Is there some specific rules to play ?

sorry to bother you I think I have found what I was looking for

Screenshot 694.png