Steemmonsters cards giveaway #59

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hi guys!

How are you?

How was your season reward? Are you satisfied? I'm not.. well I got some potions and 2 common cards from the chest and then I opened my top ten reward (3 Booster packs) and what I got? Only common and rare cards! Even If I had enough potions...
Anyway, I had also some troubles before because I was thinking to be safe for the 10th position with 2000 points (last season 10th position was at 1850 points) but this time they almost reached me! I need to be careful this season, players become stronger and stronger on Splinterlands!

      • So with this giveaway's posts you can win a card for free, you just have to check the rules below and If you are lucky you win!
        I will post that every 2-3 days or once a week, it depends on how many spare time do I have, I try to post as frequently as possible.
        Here's the card you have the chance to win today:



If you need more informations about this death's monster, please check the giveaway #12


The winner of last giveaway is @funferall
Congratulations, you won a Barking Spider!
Keep playing and keep participating, you can win again!



It is very very easy to partecipate:

  • add a comment writing whatever you want, for example I am in or I will win the card
  • tag your steemmonsters player name in your comment or someone else if you want to give a gift to a friend
    upvote and reblog is really appreciate but not a must

I'll put all names into a random name picker to decide the winner.
At least 5 participants are required, otherwise this giveaway will be canceled.

I will send the card to the winner after a couple of hours or in a few days, when I have no time.

Good luck!


A Phantasm would be Phantastic! Cheers! @turb0nen

Congratulations you're the winner!

This post has been upvoted by @opgaming. We like what you're posting, and we want to reward our members who produce quality content. Keep up the good work!
If this sounds like the sort of group you want to be a part of, click the image below! We're too OP to be put down!


Count me in
Tagging @kintaro-oe

Count me in @m3ss

This card is mine! Count me in!

Congratulations to @funferall!

Sorry to hear about the rewards. Some days you eat the bear...some days the bear eats you.


Count me in @nab242

Count me in!

I'm in

I would love to join this contest.

That’s too bad @massimoc23!

I had one common, one rare, and one epic which was a nice change!

Congrats @funferall!

I would like the Phantasm, thanks!