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RE: Not financial advice – October 2022

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Dude. You really went into some detail.
I have like 8 different top priorities right now. I keep thinking its stacking more SPS, but then I sell the SPS for DEC to buy TD packs. I'm going to pull the trigger on another 575 TD, my wife is great at those games, so I'll move her over to TD with a heap of packs and a big SPS delegation and see what she can do.
Otherwise, I'm just keeping an eye on announcements. Trying to keep enough powder dry, to recognise when a new ruleset or card means good things for one already on the market; then load up, combine and throw them at my rental account.
Then they can earn while they become more scarce; and eventually retire to a farm somewhere near one of my castles :)


... and finally be reunited with @rustle on the farm.

Detail is the only way because there is so many paths.
You've done so exceptionally well with your SPS stacking... and it's probably the strongest path forward because the more you stack, the more SPS you earn and the more options you have later.

I haven't been as clever or opportunistic as you... but when Conqueror Jacek came out I realised the combo power of Countess Sinash and the Supply Runner (I hadn't used either before) and got onto those pretty quick. If I was smarter I would have gotten those before Jacek was airdropped, it's not like I didn't have months of notice.

Give my boi a skritch for me.
I was the same with Magnor. Maxed him quick when I realised how dangerous he'd be with Jacek. I remember jumping on Vampires and Enchanted Defenders when Equaliser was announced.
Now, I have a heap out there on the rental market. :)