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RE: Accumulating Land in Splinterlands

in Splinterlands6 months ago

Not sure if you've read the first two portions of the White paper for 2.0 but they show that feeding monsters will become more complex; with different element monsters getting substantial boosts (or not suffering inefficiencies) from eating specially formulated foods.
Seems grain will be a factor in production of those special foods and I've yet to see mention of expiry/spoilage on grain; so I'm just stacking hard; and don't plan on selling any even when the option to do so rolls out.
That said, if I start 2.0 with heaps more than I'll ever need, and have the option to build a silo and dump a heap into a liquidity pool, that'll work too :)


You are the guru on this stuff so I'm sure you know what you're doing. I'm cautiously optimistic about accumulating here and trying not to get too excited about it, but I do like what I am seeing.