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RE: A Splinterlands Experiment.

in Splinterlands4 years ago

I've been playing on @evelynclarke for the last month or so, just doing the dailies to keep the scrolls coming in for The Mosh Pit. Mostly 1 bcx cards, but a heap more of them, as I used her account as long term storage most of last year.
I think it'd be fascinating to have the brand new experience. The devs should do it once a year, just to stay in touch.


I had something of a boost from you with the beta packs you sent me and then the delegations, so even I've never experienced it at this basic level. It's certainly a fun experience, if frustrating at times, being so limited.

So what happens when your kids take over their accounts. Will they have to be equalised, so no-one feels worse off? Or do you strip them back to basics and take it all back to your account? 😈

Henry and I have a bet.
I told him by the time gets to High School, this game will be mainstream (subtext being that getting momentum now would translate to success and popularity then).
First day of High School, he's going to ask if any of his classmates have a splinterlands account. If any of them do, he owes me all of his cards.
If nobody does, I owe him $100.

His honesty will be tested if any of them do have an account! 🤣

His honesty? I know many of their parents; and have 18 months. I don't think we need to worry about his honesty.