Splinterlands/SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Welcome 2021, my first participation in the weekly challenge share your battles

Even though I haven't managed to buy the spell book yet, I keep fighting to get it and even though I don't have it, I still participate in the battles every day.This week the team of spliterlands invites us to fight with a letter that I have already fought with before but as I don't have it yet I will talk about one of my favorite letters.

It is living lava a very good card although only for close attacks, although that does not prevent it from causing damage since with its attack of 3 the effect of each of its attacks is good. This card is good for starting a battle. It also has a shield that allows it to protect itself from its attackers, its attack is quite fast and it is one of my favorite cards to start the battle

Living lava

#Edition: UNTAMED
#Rarity: Epic
#Element: Fire
#Attack: Hand to hand
#Skills: At level 1 he has a shield, at level 5 he can rust his opponents' armor and at level 8 he throws thorns.

This monster is one of the ones that accompanies you from the beginning of the game, you can modify it as the fence levels up.

My strategy

My battle

My strategy is very simple I always try to make this my first monster because it is strong to attack and the shield it possesses helps to resist every attack it is thrown.

If you want to play splinterlands here I leave you the invitation

¿Want to know more about me?

Live-Dream -Sorry

Thank you for reading my publication

Until a future publication


Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Welcome to the challenge and you did well with your very first entry.
Living Lava is a good one for sure.
I hope you get the spellbook soon.
Keep on battling.

Thank you, if that I hope to buy the book soon


Thank you, if that I hope to buy the book soon
