Modern vs wild splinterland gameplay format

in Splinterlands11 months ago

Splinterland gaming team have over the years introduced various gaming techniques that will suit gamers according to their playing mode and card collection, it quite understanding there should be fair play mode for users who are newly joining splinterland to strike a fair balance between old players (experts) and new sign up users who still need time and practice to understand how ranking battle works, the Introduction of modern and wild ranked battle have separated those with special new edition cards ( Chaos Legion, Dice, Riftwatchers and more special edition cards) with advanced abilities with those who use super special cards for combat, with this special feature a player can choose to participate in either wild or modern battle and compete for fair rewards distribution against other splinterlanders.


For those who are not familiar with these two ranked battle I will share their differences and this will allow you to choose which rank format you would like to participate in the upcoming season, although players can choose to participate in both ranked battle and earn daily focus rewards and Chest rewards. Splinterland is a blockchain based game that rewards gamers/investors playing using special cards called Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) you can hold trade and rent out your special card for rewards as well, do you want to start an adventure in the play to earn world splinterland is a go option join using my referral link and start earning while you play today.


Modern ranked battle format


The modern battle edition is mainly focused on splinterlandslers who hold newly card editions like the Chaos Legion, Untamed, Rewards and Promo card collection can be use in modern rank battle. There are some card collection that are very scarce which are held by old players, competing against those (old) cards can be quite challenging for new players having new card, for this reason modern rank battle was introduced in other for newer users with new card collection to combat in modern battle arena this eliminate use of high skilled old card collection against new card collection and creates fair playable mode for those with new cards.


Wild ranked battle format


This requires use of special card collection like the Alpha and Beta cards old veteran and high skilled players compete in wild ranked battle, here all cards from all set can be used against an opponent, its not for the faint hearted those with diverse card with high playing abilities mostly compete in wild ranked battle.

Although players aren't restricted to playing on either wild or modern battle a player can choose to play in both ranked battle and compete for leaderboard, this can be time demanding when playing on both ranks choosing your best skill set and where your card fits will maximize a player time. On both playing format a player can earn daily focus and season rewards.

Join splinterlands using my referral link setup an account for free here

All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva
