Secret battle mage what doesn't kill you

in Splinterlands8 months ago

What doesn't kill you make you stronger that's a popular quote today another interesting ruleset is given for splinterlanders to showcase their melee attacking ability enraged ruleset isn't for the weak it's for those who can stand the test of the battle arena melee monsters get additional multiplier attacking power when they are hit by an opponent monster, using an additional enrage ability monster can boost one's chance of winning a battle monsters with good or high slashing power and speed will be best suitable for this ruleset, using a demoralizing unit in this ruleset automatically affect all lineup monster attacking speed and slashing attacking, to be on the safer side add a demoralizer to get rid of your opponent easily a life repair, taunt and range monster can also be used in this ruleset which makes it difficult for an opponent to easily predict what an opponent will be like coming up with in this battle ruleset although a good tank and lineup supporting monster are one of the best strategy that can be used in this ruleset.

Let's delve into the battle detail below is the shared battle link for this ruleset watch and be entertained.


Battle link

3RTd4iuWD6NUeJEn5AVrJUoyatFqBqfcCJi1N7UixR4g2KPKN7w8NpZL7qrJ4ETeGdj5C8fSCmkKo4t9BSDFs6syHDJ1AarAapuATfrZapTFJnf2XXoBamuSqMUTA2qsTRSD6B5uWudpaSRoRuaYmWeHtCdSAjC8jenDZ36rQjxwGJ (1).png

Battle ruleset

Enrage unit monsters have 50% increase in melee attack and speed when they are not in full health they get enraged which increases their chance of attack for this ruleset all lineup monster will have this ability to increase their damaging effect on other monsters but for this ruleset all unit lineup monster gain 1.5× multiply attacking speed and power this make every monster in the lineup very formidable as their rate at which they attack an opponent increases by 1.5×.


Battle detail


For this battle 32 unit mana cost cap is given for each player to come up with their lineup summoners, for this ruleset I choose life element monster because of my enrage monster DRYBORN BARBARIAN while my opponent came up with earth element monster it was a good clash but my opponent couldn't stand my lineup and strategy.


Battle lineup


DRYBORN BARBARIAN my tank being an enrage unit monster make it even more formidable for this ruleset with it health of 10 and a good slashing attack of 4 and good speed makes DRYBORN BARBARIAN a good tank suitor it ability to increase it attacking chance by 50% when hit by an opponent tank is another go option for using this monster as a tank although it can only attack from frontline position making it more useful for first position in battle arena.


SHIELDBEARER this monster is has good shield protection as well with a good health although it doesn't attack from second position with it taunt ability other lineup monster from opponent has to attack SHIELDBEARER first before attacking other monsters.


VENARI CRYSTALSMITH a battle isn't complete without a healing repair monster being a range attacking monster with healing ability makes VENARI CRYSTALSMITH a good option for this battle ruleset since we can always predict out opponent our strategy is the only best offense we can come up with it can attack from any position but when in frontline it loss it attacking ability.


PELACOR ARBALEST hit you enemy what what you have best this monster is a double strike range attacking monster it can attack from any position except the frontline it ability to attack twice makes it good as it can help eliminated an opponent frontline easily.


XENITH ARCHER well is all about landing multiple damage on your opponent with my range monsters with focus their attacks on an opponent frontline tank it will be more easy for me focus on eliminating my opponent tank with my multiple range attacking monster.


My strategy

For this ruleset my strategy against my opponent was to first come up with an enrage unit monster as my tank which has good attacking effect and high chance of evading an opponent tank second is to use my taunt monster as a bait against my opponent lineup since my tank and it shield can take multiple damage before been eliminated my healing monster will be used to support my tank as it health depreciate on the other hand my double striking range attacking monster and other subsequent range monster will be attacking my opponent tank making it more easy to the eliminated with few hits from all my lineup monsters.

My strategy did workout as mapped out my range attacking monsters did well with their attacks in supporting my tank while my health repair monster was aiding my tank as well my opponent couldn't stand all the multiple strike attacks from my lineups.


Battle arena


The battle was a quick one my opponent with their earth element monster lineup also came up with taunt monster so the the first round all monster in exception of tanks will be focusing on taunt monster while tanks will be attacking each other once one side taunt was eliminated the battle became more intense for my opponent the battle was wrapped in 4 rounds making it a smooth victory for me.


Round 1 the first round all monster from both sides where busy attacking taunt units on both side this gave each side tanks chance to avoid first round attacks in this first round no monster was eliminated as each side tank are heavily protected.


Round each taunt make it towards the end of round two but my opponent taunt was eliminated at the last lap of round to this gave me some good chance over my opponent to land some few strikes on my opponent tank while my taunt is still in the battle arena.


Round 3 round 3 was not too good for my opponent as their tank got eliminated they are only left with thorn ability monster and a healing repair monster which is four against 2 with my tank still in the battle their is no chance of survival for my opponent.


Round 4 my opponent is left with only a magic healing repair monster with few strikes it will be out of the battle and the winner will emerge.

Battle link

Join splinterland play and earn rewards while having fun with you monster collection, let's meet the battle arena setup an account for free here enjoy amazing features of blockchain gaming.

All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva
