Splinterland social media challenge tips for beginners

in Splinterlands7 months ago

Hi blockchain game lovers welcome to another edition of splinterland social media challenge, a quick tip before I delve into my beginners tips note that splinterland is a fun strategic game battling in the arena only increase our playing skills the more we compete in the arena the better we understand how to play splinterland game aside the fun you get rewarded by earning or accumulating more collectible in game NFTS which can boost our playing and winning strategy. Here is a quick highlight of my splinterland journey, I summarise my short splinterland journey how I started out in the game and still enjoying every thrilling moment at the battle ground.


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Introduction to Splinterlands

Splinterland is packed with fun, if you're only here for the bag to get more money splinterland gets you covered and if you're here for the fun you're also at the right place splinterland is both fun and revenue generating stream of income.

I got into splinterland as a curious amateur in the crypto space playing game and earning reward have not been much popular but splinterland was a go option for me I got introduced here when splinterland was at steemit blockchain although I never played due to some certain factors.

Skip some years here I am today playing the game both for fun and it incentive rewards. Splinterland is a blockchain based game that rewards players for their time, although to start earning on the platform one need to sign up, next step is to buy a splinterland spell book this spell book will unlock a players account for earning reward the link above gives a step by step guide on how to go about getting your first spell book once done your good to go, the next fun part is understanding how to play battle and get your strategy.

Don't be in haste I've got you covered, playing at the battle arena is fun if you loss your first or few battle don't worry that all part of the fun even experts in splinterland loss battle we are all in this but losing each battle opens a gateway to learn more that's the fun part.

Fun fact I never had a guide to teach me how to play splinterland I just follow on the tutorial section in the game section and did equip myself with how to play and come up with my strategy.


Getting Started

Glad you came this far reading this post congratulation, from the introduction to splinterland section you must have got some good knowledge about spell book which will unlock your splinterland gaming account keys and allow you to be eligible for claiming rewards which include in game card and tokens.

Next step is navigating the splinterland simple gaming feature to find your way to the battle arena.

Very interesting thing about splinterland is it is user friendly it interface is easy to access.

From the web version interface. Splinterland.com

Below is how the homepage interface of splinterland looks like awesome isn't it?

Step 1. Login to access your account.


Step 2. Once you've login this is how your homepage will look like click on play.


Step 3. Below is how your homepage will look like once you click on the play icon


What do you see next Battle right is the next big icon.


Click on battle to dive into the battle arena that very simple.


Strategy Tips for Beginners

First strategic tip for playing splinterland is being open to learn, even veteran in splinterland are learning everyday on the battle arena.

If you want to survive and win battle in splinterland you must first be open to learn from other players strategy. This is the tip I've been using for years, when i get defeated in a battle I try to look at by opponent strategy what did they use to defeat me what combination of monster were they able to combine to win?

By learn from your opponent strategy good chance of survival is sure.

Other tip for playing splinterland is you need to have a commitment playing splinterland requires some good time therefore you need to strategise when and how to play your game get a convenient time to plays for few hours daily.

Splinterland requires both time and investment you need some cards to play and survive the battle ground buying some cards will boost one fun and chance of winning.

Overall what is most required is time and dedication with good playing time one can get more cards, don't get intimidated by an opponent your strategy in battle matters alot.

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Community Welcome

Splinterland is a lovable community, hive blockchain community has always been my go to place but there are other interesting communities on splinterland, the splinterland Twitter is another place with lot of fun, weekly content are held where five lucky users are chosen to get chaos legion pack. Also at the web2 space we can get to catch up with every latest update.

Interaction in these web2 communities are awesome splinterland is also on discord and Instagram users can engage with players ask questions and get to interact with splinterland veteran players don't miss the chance to be part of this awesome communities and get to share some important rewards packed for all users.


Share Your Early Experience

When I started playing splinterland fire element monster were one of my favourite monster for battle frontline little did I know back then that there are other awesome monster collection I played with fire element monster for months before exploring other options.

One of my biggest challenge back then was I was a one man island playing splinterland with on guide I had to always learn the hard way from losing each battle time I start getting acquitted with the gaming environment.

Being consistent was the only way I overcame my challenge while playing Splinterland I was open and ready to learn whenever I come to the battle arena I look at how my opponent lineup their monster and o try to optimise my strategy on every battle.


Above is a battle fought, couldn't get old battle but lately I've been playing battles using different elements monster as I've been able to master some playing strategy in splinterland battle link between life element monster and fire element.

In summary splinterland is very fun to maximize more rewards one need to set out a game play convenient time to play and understand how most ruleset works in the game also community engagement will help by participating in communities asking questions one can easily get good tips and guide on how to play.

Join splinterland play and earn rewards while having fun with you monster collection, let's meet the battle arena setup an account for free here enjoy amazing features of blockchain gaming.

All Images used for this post are from Splinterlands website and community with some editing from Canva

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121