My 5-Day Focus Chest Rewards

in Splinterlands3 months ago


Although the battles are quite challenging this season, playing Splinterlands is much more exciting and fun compared to previous seasons. My goal this season was to collect 70 end-of-season chests and now I have 64 chests. Even though it seems difficult, I believe I will achieve my goal. When I control my energy, I can fight 45 more battles by the end of the season, and if I play carefully, I can reach my goal. Let's see if I can achieve this in 17 hours.

I collected and opened 55 focus chests in the last 5 days, the rewards I received from the chests are as follows.






I got 15 cards in 55 chests which isn't bad at all so I'm happy with my rewards. I hope I get more great cards at the end of the season. I especially need Legendary and Summoner cards, I hope I have the chance to get them.

Have a nice day.