Love it when a plan comes together.

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

A little luck goes a long way. Think this is my first time ever as Number 1 in the open Gold Foil tournament.

I'm stoked, thanks guys!


Last battle (as below) was against @byzantinist who you gotta give some love to as he isn't playing with a full deck :)

Not! hahaha


Burn :)

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What? Legohead has won something? Pffft, I need more cards!

lol yeah finally!

Buy up all da summoners... all going cheap :)

Congratz mate! It takes some skill to pull that off!

thanks! comments like this, go straight to the top :)

Well, it's deserved! Go go Roaring Twenties! 😉

Well done mate👍

thanks j85063. good to see familiar faces around

hey congratulation :)

hello good to see you. thanks

Awesome bro, you are a great player :D

congrats mate!!

Congrats 🎉

congratz ! cant wait to start climbing

onward and upward! :)


Nicely done, congrats.

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thanks. Need all the encouragement i can get.

cheers! !BEER ;)

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