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RE: Splinterlands Fan Art Emote Contest : Legendary Potion

That's really cute!

I see you've used the #freeimageshare tag, but as you're actually offering the images you've created yourself for use, you should have used the #hivestockimages tag, then it can potentially be find in the search feature. #freeimageshare is for when you use someone else's image.

I'm thinking of doing an index for all the Splinterlands images people have created at some point so I'll add this.

Do have a look at the welcome post pinned in the Stock Images community for more information if you want to contribute more images.


Ah sorry for my mistake, I will keep this in mind on my future posts.
Thanks for the heads up.

And if you're compiling Splinterlands related images, please feel free to add my animated Gelatinous Cube ( and my Guild-themed Blig Divider ( to your list.

Will definitely check out the Stock Images community for info.

Cheers & have a !PIZZA