Unsung Heroes: How the Chicken and Slug Secured a Splinterlands Victory

in Splinterlandslast month


Hi Guys, there's always something exciting happening in the Splinterverse! While everyone is still cooling off from the Barons bounty event, today's post will spotlight a particularly strategic battle of mine—a challenging 13 Mana cap match that truly showcased the utility of some often-overlooked characters.

The Unlikely Heroes

In a game where every Mana counts, especially in a tight 13 Mana cap match, every selection in your team plays an important role. This time, I want to focus on two seemingly minor yet pivotal players: the Chicken and the Slug.


Back in the day, the Chicken used to be a very popular card, at that time, 0 mana cards were few compared to the amount of 0 mana cards we have now, strategically placing them can be very advantageous as we will see below.

Jumping into a Splinterlands match with only 13 Mana is a thrilling challenge. It compels you to think creatively, much like being resourceful with the last slice of pizza at a party.

Picking My Squad

After choosing my summoner, FernHert from the Earth Splinter—who brings extra life to my team—I was left with just 9 Mana. This is where strategic selection becomes crucial.


Strategy Time

I started with two incredibly resourceful picks that cost me nothing—zero Mana. The Chicken, often underestimated, served as a vital distraction, taking a hit that could have decimated a more valuable card. Then, there was the Fungus Fiend, setting the stage for what was to come.

But let's talk about the real game-changer: the Creeping Ooze. For only 1 Mana, this slug played a strategic role beyond its humble cost. By slowing down the opponent’s team, it allowed my other cards to act swiftly, turning the tide in my favor before the battle had barely begun.

The Unsung MVPs

While the Goblin Psychic indeed played its part well, healing and hitting, the true MVPs were my zero-cost heroes. Their involvement exemplified perfect game strategy, where the power of a card isn't merely in its attack or health stats, but in how it complements the rest of the team and executes the battle plan.

What It All Means

Winning this low Mana cap battle felt incredibly rewarding, proving that victory in Splinterlands isn’t about flashy, high-cost cards; it’s about how you use each piece in your arsenal. The Chicken and the Slug, often just background players, were instrumental in this win.

This game mirrors life in so many ways—sometimes, it's the smallest players, the ones we often overlook, that make a significant impact. Whether it's in gaming or life decisions, like navigating the latest tech trends or investment opportunities, the principle remains the same: thoughtful, strategic choices often lead to the best outcomes.

Wrapping Up

As we anticipate playing Splinterlands on newer, more immersive technology like the Apple Vision Pro, let’s not forget the lessons learned from using humble, low-cost cards to secure a win. In both Splinterlands and life, it's not always about having the best or most expensive resources but making the most out of what you have.

For those diving deeper into Hive or strategizing their next Splinterlands move, remember—it’s about being the smartest player, not just the most equipped.

Here’s the link to the battle for your viewing pleasure.


Keep grinding, keep dreaming, and yes, battle till you drop!


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Happy Weekend,
How was your season end? Does your battle win rate satisfactory?
Your team of warriors are exceptionally powerful.
Thank you for sharing your gaming activities with the community.

Hey ser 🙌 I hardly play ranked battles these days, my win rate has not been satisfactory for a long time. I’m mostly only at brawls.

Nice competition in Brawl

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Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

Thanks @mango-juice 🙌

Its my pleasure Kili :)