Splinterlands: Getting to Silver with Mylor Crowling in August 2021 [Budget Deck]

in Splinterlands3 years ago

If you're new to the game, it might sound a little bit strange that I mentioned the month in the title. The true is that Splinterlands has seen a huge surge in popularity over the past month which has caused card prices to skyrocket. Prices that you see in a 1 month old post/video no longer apply to the current market situation in Splinterlands.

I myself started in August, and when I tried to rent some of the suggested cards, I found that the prices were much higher than stated in the posts/videos. So, I want to suggest a deck that is still affordable in August.

As already mentioned in the title, the easiest and currently cheapest way to reach Silver is by using the Summoner Mylor Crowling (surprised Pikachu face). I know that everyone makes the same suggestion and this is also visible in the price of the card. It can cost up to 30-40 DEC a day to rent, but with a little bit of patience and luck, you can still get it for 15 DEC.

With the following Deck, I managed to reach a Rating over 1600 (would be enough for Silver 1).

Here is my Deck:

  • Mylor Crowling
    Price: >50$ // Renting: 15-40 DEC/Day

The thorns ability is just awesome. Everyone knows that, so when other players see you are going to use it, they will using ranged and magic cards.

  • Unicorn Mustang
    Price: free

If your opponent uses magic cards, then this Mustang will be your best friend. Magic cards usually don't have high attack, so this card can block most attacks. If your opponent is using Alric (+1 magic) Summoner, that may not be enough, so my next suggestion will deal with that.

  • Mushroom Seer
    Price: >27$ // Renting: 10-20 DEC/Day

The ability silence reduces the magic attack of all magic cards. So if the opponent is using Alric, the duo Unicorn Mustang + Mushroom Seer takes care of the job. I don't know when was the last time I lost against Alric using this duo.

  • Wood Nymph
    Price: >5.50$ // Renting: 0.10-1 DEC/Day

Wood Nymph was the first card I bought. (2.75$). In just over 2 weeks, the price has almost doubled. However, it is quite cheap to rent so you don't have to buy it. Wood Nymph with her healer ability will save you a lot of matches.

  • Centauri Mage
    Price: >2.79$ // Renting: 0.10-1 DEC/Day

It requires a lot of mana (7), so you can't use it every time. Centauri Mage covers however the weakest point of an Earth deck, its back line. When I play against another mylor I know that if I want to win I have to attack the back line first, so I use snipe attacks. Centauri, with her high life and the ability to return part of a ranged attack, will save some games as well.

  • Swamp Thing
    Price: >90$ // Renting: 15-40 DEC/Day

For the price of 2 mana, you are able to reduce the life of all opposing cards. It's a small price to pay for such an advantage.

  • Brownie
    Price: >38.85$ // Renting: 12-13 DEC/Day

Earth cards are usually slow. Brownie can help you with that, for the low amount of 1 mana. This can make all the difference in the first round.

So these are the cards that got me to silver without spending much DEC. Try it out and give me your feedback.

Since a lot of people use Mylor, in my next post I'll be suggesting decks that can easily win against him :)


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I am experimenting with similar deck and I got some loses against decks with range cards (around 25 mana). How did you dill with range attacks ?

Instead of using Unicorn Mustang, try Stone golem. It will reduce the damage taken. If the cards have the snipe ability, Centauri Mage should take care of the issue as it has 9 Health and the "Return Fire" ability. If you don't have enough mana for Centauri Mage, try using Earth elemental as a"Sacrifice" in second position. It will give you enough time to deal with the other cards.