Battle Mage Secrets: Fog of War

in Splinterlands11 months ago (edited)

The Battle Challenge Ruleset this week is the Fog of War Ruleset in which all monsters lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities. Scattershot still works in this Ruleset. Originally, Scattershot did not work in this Ruleset which made it almost identical to the “Monsters lose all abilities” Ruleset. The only difference being that abilities such as Void or Healing could still be used.

The battle I chose to share is a 34 mana battle with Fog of War as the lone Ruleset. The available splinters were Water, Earth, and Life.

Here is a link to the battle:

I chose the Earth splinter and my opponent chose the Life splinter. Our strategies were pretty similar. We both had strong tanks with double healers in the backline. I used a little trick to strengthen my medium sized tank by putting a small mana/health card with the Martyr ability in the first position.

Neither of us went with any monsters with the Scattershot ability. So none of our monsters in the backline can be targeted. This will probably be a fairly long battle since neither of our healers can be targeted. The battle will truly be a match where whoever can defeat their opponent’s tank first will win the battle.

Start of Battle / Round 1

I went with a purely Magic attack from my backline and boosted magic by 1 with the Obsidian summoner. My opponent used a mix of range and magic attacks and also had a shield repair monster. They used a summoner which adds plus 1 to shields.

Round 2

In the first round, my ‘martyr’ card was killed which boosted all the stats of my intended tank. At the end of the round, my tank was down one health whereas my opponent's was down three from its max health.

Round 3

In round 2, I was lucky enough to stun my opponent’s tank right before its turn to attack with 9 Melee damage. This is because it has the Recharge ability where it only attacks every other round but does 3x damage. I ended round 2 with full health on my tank while my opponent’s tank was down to 4 health.

Round 4

In round 3, I managed to defeat my opponent’s tank and at the end of the round my tank still has 9 health. Things are looking good for me.

Round 5

The match is pretty much over at this point.

During the sixth round, I was able to declare victory.

My strategy for this match worked out. It was a battle of our tanks. Both tanks had plenty of healing abilities. My tank outlasted my opponent’s as a result of its Void armor, speed, and a lucky stun from my backline.

In general I like the Fog of War Ruleset, though not as much as the somewhat similar ‘Monsters lose all abilities’ Ruleset which is one of my favorites. I really love the simplicity and predictability of that Ruleset.

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