Splinterlands - Musa Saline, the new soulbound legendary reward card (I was wrong when I thought it wasn't any good)

in Splinterlandslast year


Hi everyone! This post is my entry for this weeks Splinterlands Social Media Challenge, if you're a splinterlands player yourself, you can check out the splinterlands post how to get in to the challenge yourself.

Today I want to talk about the new legendary reward card from the soulbound set, Musa Saline, I was lucky enough to pull it 3 times already with my main account, so I was able to level it and add the shatter ability.

But first, let's take a look at it:
My main account has lvl 4 rare summoners and lvl 2 legendary summoners, so only the first 2 levels of this card matter to me for now, when I pulled this card for the first time, I was a bit underwhelmed by it, a legendary card, with only 1 magic attack.. ok... maybe cool for low mana equaliser battles where you need to fill all 6 spots for the best results.
So, I didn't used it very much in the first weeks, but then I pulled another one and I remembered it again, so much cards to choose from to I kinda forgot about it. Last week, I pulled it a 3rd time! how!? is this card on a higher print rate??
At least I can level it now :) so I could add the shatter ability and make it a little better to use in more situations, for example when I expect the enemy to put in a heavy armored tank or with the armored up ruleset to quickly break trough all armor, because it's a pretty fast card, with kelya it gains another speed so it's firing as one of the first on the battlefield.

At the start of the battle, you have to protect it so it can profit from the dying cards on the battlefield, and it's a great synergy to use it together with Spirit Hoarder.
It's also cool to use a martyr card with it, so it gains all stats +1 to get even better.

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This is a battle from me using it, it was with the rulesets Broken Arrows, and Target Practice, so I was expecting my enemy to go magic, it was ''only' a 22 mana battle so I choose a cheap tank and put Djinn O'Shannus on the snipe position for the Target Practice ruleset, to make it live longer I put spirit hoarder behind him to heal. Musa Saline behind it, and I put some cheap monsters at the back for some sneak protection. My biggest problem for me with this setup was when my tank dies fast, my main damage dealer O'Shannus would be in the first position and have spirit hoarder on the snipe position. But as often, you can't close all weaknesses in your team.
link to the battle

My opponent went for Death, good choice, but in this case I would've chosen Thadius, good for me he didn't and played the legendary summoner Astral Entity, I don't see this card very often in Modern Silver League.
Speed is the most important stat in my oppinion, it's why I like the water team with Kelya so much. And right at the start, O'Shannus took out the enemy lvl 4 Life Sapper, and immediately waste the enemy summoners resurrect ability.
As expected, my tank died, making me vulnerable, but I had some luck because I killed the only ranged card already :) some poor tactics from my opponent, so I think it was a bot.
Spirit Hoarder kept bringing Musa Saline back to full health and it was gaining health fast, getting at 12 HP in the last round, facing a lvl 3 Uraeus that didn't stand a chance against Musa.

the sps rewards for each win are better at the start of a new season so that's nice also!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Nice card!