How you can buy Chaos Legion packs only for 4$

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hello guys this Nummul & i am going to talk about chaos legion pre-sale & general sale.
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Guys if you are going to buy chaos packs now on splinterlands you need 1 voucher which is worth 16$ now and with this you need 4$ worth of credits, dec or sps. If you using sps then you get 10% discounts. It means whole single 1 chaos packs if you wanna buy it cost roughly around 20$ .

This is the main thing of this blog when general sale begins you need only 4$ to buy chaos packs you don't need any vouchers at that time. So this is the difference and the reason why you have to wait for chaos general sale.

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Well not exactly. In theory you are right. The problem is that maybe you wait till open sale and then when you are going to buy, you see a text like this…

I think I have to agree on that. I noticed that Splinterlands has attracted some big traders, who I believe don't even play the game and who have tons of SPS staked, receive tons of vouchers and who will buy up every single pack they can get with and without vouchers in order to sell them with a profit later. On the one hand I can not blame them, for it is so easy now to make money from Splinterlands, but on the other hand I dislike that it turns Splinterlands into an investing opportunity and away from the great game it is now. It also will make it more and more expensive for regular players to be able to buy card packs in the future

Completely agree. I said the other day in their discord. Sadly splinterlands is not ability playing anymore. Right now is more an staking and trade platform where big whales have better chance than anyone else.
It is what it is.
Me, I just have to keep playing and trying to also get a piece of the cake. But is hard since I can’t even go to silver. Sad.

BTW, vouchers are selling for close to 20$ which means 24$ per pack.
Do you know what's the difference between buying now or at the presale?