Splinterlands | Playing with DRAGONS challenge - Winning thanks to flying ability

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)


This week the Share your Battle Challenge theme are Dragons. Playing with dragons enables you to play with cards from another splinter of your choice, so it gives you more flexibility. I don't usually play with dragons because I think I have better cards of other splinters.

The Battle




In this battle, the summoners were silenced, so unfortunately I couldn't get the extra melee attack from Daria Dragonscale. But on the other hand, my opponent couldn't use the Tyrus Paladium armor, which helped me in the battle.
The second rule was that all monsters got the Divine shield ability, which protects monsters of the first hit.

Battle strategy

I decided to use the Chromatic Dragon at the front because it has 3 melee attacks and a nice amount of lives. Combining the 9 lives with the tank heal ability of the Divine Healer card should allow the monster to survive for a while. As the second card, I like to use a tank card that does not necessarily need to be an attack card, but a card meant to resist a lot of hits. For that purpose I really like Naga Brute because it has a strong armor that combined "Void Armor" against magic attacks works very well.
The other monsters I use are from the Life deck and the neutral Cyclops at the very end. I like to use my gold Cyclops at the end because being a ranged monster it can attack until the end and with the shield ability has a wonderful resistance.
The life monsters I chose were Bila the Radiant, trying to locate it in a place to get the less attacks as possible. The reason is I wanted the monster to leverage the Life Leech ability for the longest time.
Lastly, Hero of Beyond is a cool card to use because is a ranged card that can be used in the first position, so you don't need to worry about using too many ranged cards that will not attack in the first position.

Battle Action

I believed that I was going to lose this battle because the opponent was hitting me very hard with a gold Sand Worm. At level 4, Sand Worm has a very damaging sneak melee attack and was hurting very heavily the monsters located in the back. However, the flying ability was key for Chromatic Dragon to survive and thankfully I could win the battle.

If you haven't played Splinterlands yet, consider joining with my link: https://splinterlands.com/?ref=ojamajo


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

thanks for sharing the battle and your strategy of card placement is good.