Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Ferocity 2 - Modern Champion Ranked

in Splinterlandslast month
Hello everyone! This is my second entry for this week's Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with the Ferocity rule set!


Ferocity is a rule set that grants Fury to every monster. There's not much to this rule set. It's a nerf to most Taunt monsters. Most of them are not usable at all. There are a few exceptions like Iziar, which you don't mind it dying for the Martyr buffs. In many games, it doesn't matter because players wouldn't even use a Taunt monster. It matters more in games with more mana than those with a low mana cap.

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Let's take a look at a game with this rule set. I found an interesting battle in Modern Champion Ranked:


This game also has the Unprotected and Shades of Gray rule sets. Both players went with Akane as their summoner. The top player placed Chaos Agent in the front followed by Scavo Hireling. Spirit Hoarder was next and Venka the Vile was in the 4th slot. For the last spot, they went with Supply Runner. Their strategy is simple: Chaos Agent with 2 speed modifiers as well as Blind from Spirit Hoarder. And Venka because it's an amazing card. The bottom player also has Venka in the same position, but the rest of the team is different. Xenith Monk is their tank with Uraeus in the second position. Xenith Archer is next and, for the final slot, the amazing Doctor Blight. There's less synergy in this team, although it has good cards.


The top player gave Ambush to their 2 hardest hitters: Venka and SUpply Runner. No surprise there. The bottom one also gave the first Ambush to Venka and the second went to Uraeus. Giving it to Uraeus was a mistake because the top player attacked first with Supply Runner because it's a ranged monster. Venka's attack, Tramples into Uraeus killing those 2 monsters. The bottom player's Venka didn't miss the attacks and killed Chaos Agent and Scavo Hireling. After the Ambush phase, the top player had more speed so their Venka killed the archer and the opposing Venka, leaving only Doctor Blight. It didn't survive the next round.


Given the teams selected, the top player was the favorite to win, however, the bottom player had a chance, if they gave Ambush to Doctor Blight instead of Uraeus. They needed Venka to hit their 2 attacks, which happened. After that, they needed Doctor Blight to poison Spirit Hoarder. After the Ambush round, the board would be Venka and Supply Runner at the top against Xenith Archer, Venka, and Doctor Blight with 9 HP. The top Venka would take out the 2 monsters leaving only Doctor Blight with 11 HP. It would attack for 2 damage. Next round, it would be attacked down to 1 HP and do its attack. It needed to hit the Poison, either here or in the earlier round. If all went well, there would be only Supply Runner left, unable to do anything from the first position. There's a 37,5% chance of the 2 Poisons happening when they need to, on top of the Venka having to hit those first 2 attacks. If I'm not mistaken, it's a 50% chance of hitting Chaos Agent and a 65% chance of hitting the Scavo Hireling. If I did everything right, it gives the bottom player a little over 12% chance of winning. It's not much but it's better than 0!


What do you all think about Ferocity? Do you have any interesting games or strategies for it? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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The latest town hall recap showed interesting development about the grain official market.
Thank you for your publication
Nice lineup in the arena
I am in the leaderboard but far from the top 200. I like the Halving ability. It is really helpful.
Are you stocking grain or just selling on the p2p market?

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