Splinterlands - Rise of the Champion Tournament Experience

in Splinterlands3 months ago


Hello there.

Splinterlands' Rise of the Champion tournament recently concluded, and I would like to share my experience. The tournament started at 12 midnight of June 1 for me. I wasn't going to play at that time, so I decided to play once I wake up. When I checked the number of entrants, I was surprised to see that it increased and reached 700 players. With only the top 30 percent advancing, the battles can be difficult.

Before entering my teams, I played a few ranked battles first to get into the groove of things. I planned on playing until I got a few wins in, hoping to get in the zone. Unfortunately, I got into a lose streak, and slowly getting tilted. After getting one win, I decided to play the tournament already.


Going into the team select, and from my previous experience, I was already expecting to get choice paralysis. Having too many cards to choose from can be difficult. I can think of a lot of possible strategies, and imagining how each would fare against the other takes up a lot of time and effort. In the end, I relied on the limited experience I had, and went with the OP Legendary Untamed summoners. I used Yodin and Llama, and tried using magic to try and counter my bad luck with speed. A good strategy I found and used, was the swiftness Yodin strat.



The idea is to use Magnor in the first position, have Flame Imp, Spirit Miner, Supply Runner, and Countess Sinash who all have Swiftness in the backline. The last monster will just be a filler. I used Venka in one for the damage, and Vizier for the Reflection Shield and Opportunity in the other. Since Magnor has Taunt, Enrage, and Trample, it works well with the strategy. The Taunt keeps the lower HP backline safe, the Enrage is enhanced by the multiple Swiftness abilities and the increased damage works with Blast. The Trample on top of that can kill up to 4 monsters.

Of the battles I was able to watch, I ended up 5-5, with 4 battles remaining. At this point, I wasn't really expecting much. I need to win all my battles to even have a chance at getting to the second round. Near the end of the day, my 4 battles still haven't resolved. Now I'm hoping that my remaining opponents flee.


When I checked the next day, I was very surprised to see that the 4 players did flee, and I was able to make it through to the Final Round. With a record of 9-5, my hope of getting at least rank 138 is alive. Before playing in the tournament, played a few ranked battles again. It wasn't as bad as the day before. I won a good amount and decided to put in my teams. I noticed that a lot of players placed their teams early. Maybe they did a back to back, where they placed their team near the end of Round 1, waited to see if they made it to the Final Round, and immediately placed their team. I think this would be beneficial since they are already in the groove and the meta of the tournament is still fresh.

I was able to win a couple of battles, lost a couple to Azircon, and was even able to face and beat ApeofWallstreet [TDMDADDY] who was a SplinterlandsTV streamer before. I was feeling pretty ok, especially since my next battle was a ruleset and mana that worked well with my Yodin team. But that was when disaster struck.


My opponent also went with a Yodin team, but I had Reflection Shield and a lot of Swiftness. I was fairly confident about the battle. When my Magnor activated its Enrage and got up to 11 Speed against 3 range monsters that are also Blinded, I was pretty sure my Magnor will be safe. I should have known that my bad luck will always show itself at the worst times. Sinesh didn't miss, and that is fine, but when the Firecaller hit its Ferocity enhanced attack and dealt 10 damage to kill my Magnor, I knew the battle was over. I ended up losing the battle a few round later. I was so sure I was favored in that battle that I checked it in the battlevision.


In 100 simulations of that battle, I was favored to win 95 percent of the time. I always say that I have bad RNG in my battles, and this just proves it. Looking back, I don't think I should have checked in the battlevision directly after the battle. Seeing the battle unfold and confirming the bad luck pretty much tilted me. My mental was broken at this point. The next best thing I should have done was stop playing and take a break. Try to recover and untilt myself and then play again. But what I did was just say fuck it, and tilt my way through the battles.


I ended up with just 4 wins in the Final Round for a final ranking of 222. While I think playing tilted contributed a lot to my losses, I do believe that the difference in experience also played a part. I haven't played max level cards outside of tournaments like these, and I don't know most of the strategies. I am pretty sad that I wasn't able to get within rank 138 and get a reward. But I guess I will have to be content in knowing that I was better than the other 481 players. With the big rewards available, the level of competition was expectedly very high.


To end, I would like to say happy 6th anniversary to Splinterlands. I think the celebration was a success. I would also like to say congratulations to the winners, especially BJSHADOW, and JIABAZAI, who got the biggest prizes. Finally, I would also like to thank the Splinterlands team for hosting this wonderful tournament. I remember stopping by the Discord and seeing people talk about the current standing. People were rooting for BJSHADOW, and players were happy and excited with their experience. People wanted more of this type of format, even if the rewards are small. More power to you, and I am looking forward to more years with Splinterlands.

SPL Separator.JPG

That is it for my Rise of the Champion experience. Did you join the tournament? How did you do? I'm excited to know about your experience as well.

And as always, these are Not Financial Advice, and Do Your Own Research.

If you want to start playing Splinterlands, you can use my link:
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How are you doing?
Assets in the game are so cheap. It is a miracle that whales are not taking out all available gems out in the market. Have you increased your shopping on Splinterlands market?
Keep the battles on

Hello. I'm doing good, how are you? I agree, a lot of Rebellion cards are also getting lower, so I've scooped up a few copies for myself. I think the whales already have a complete set, and that's why they're not buying out all the available gems. Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

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