Platypus-Dundee Weekly Curation Post

Welcome to @platypus-dundee's Top 5 curation post. My weekly round up of the top 5 posts that I would like to share with you guys. Here you will find posts that I have found to be of value to the splinterlands community and as always get 50% of the SPT generated from this post divided among them. Lets take a look at this weeks top 5!

#1 from
@failingforwards. This post goes through the value of each tier of card to show you which ones are the best value for money when trying to increase your power rating, well worth a read for new and experienced alike.

#2 from @brybro27. A Mavericks only AMA that was performed. Here you can catch up with what was said by @aggroed and the questions asked by the Mavericks community. A great insight into how some of the key stake holders think and view the game.

#3 from @m3ss. Here they assess the current games meta as eloquently put as rock / paper / scissors. Who's the winner in the Mylor - Alric - Owster meta? Well read more to find out!

#4 from @libertycrypto27. To rent or not to rent that thou art thy question? Well read here to find out and judge for yourself as this in-depth analysis breaks it all down for you.

#5 from @readthisplease. A new players insights into the game and how they are progressing.

Well that's it for another week. If you haven't come across these before then my mission has been successful!

Catch you next week

  • Platypus-Dundee

Just snuck into this one! !PIZZA

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Lol, yeah and im glad too. It was a cracker of a post. You put out some really great content, makes choosing really easy:)

Glad you like it!

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