Destroying the armor- Heavy Hitters Ruleset

in Splinterlands28 days ago

Hello everybody, how are you today? I hope you have a great day and still enjoying playing Splinterlands. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Heavy Hitter ruleset.

I play in the Tournament Modern Format Gold League, using my scholar account from Balthazar.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:


  • Shades of gray, only Neutral unit may be used
  • Heavy Hitters, all monsters have the Knock Out ability.
    • Knock Out ability, does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned.
  • Corrosive Fog, all armor will decrease by 1 each round and can't be restored again.
  • mana cap.
  • can use elements Fire, Water, Earth and Death.

My Lineup and strategy

  • In the Shades of Gray ruleset in the Modern format I can only think of 1 monster who has the Stun ability from Rebellion Card which is Nalara Geinek :

    This card is expensive to buy and rent at a max level, not many players have it.
    In this battle, we will focus more on the formation because can't maximize damage from Heavy hitters, we don't have a monster with the Stun ability, and for the Corrosive Fog we usually don't pay too much attention to this ruleset unless we want to use a monster who can attack with shield or want to use monster with high armor than HP, we usually prefer to use the unit with high HP than armor in this ruleset.

We decided to use Earth summoner Immortalis because we don't have a good monster to defend against magic attacks. With Immortalis the magic damage will decrease by half. So we can focus more on defending against melee and range attack. This is my lineup :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Immortalis, Summoner. Can debuff all enemy monsters' HP by -1. Have Void, and Shatter abilitiesWe use this summoner because having the Void ability, it can decrease the enemy magic attack by 50% so we can focus to handle the melee and range damage, Shatter ability will destroy all armor from the monster we hit with only 1 attack.
Arkemis the Bear, 1st position, Attacker, Support and Defender. Has the ability Protect, Halving, andForcefield.Besides the good stats like high HP the reason we use this monster in this battle is because of the abilityProtect it gives all friendly monsters armor of +2. The Forcefield ability will make all monsters who have damage of 5 or more only give 1 damage to this monster. And to make this monster hard to kill if by 1 with other unit is the Halving ability, if The Bear hits the enemy unit in front it will decrease the enemy unit damage by half (round down), this will prolong the life of our Bear.
Drybone Rider, 2nd position, Attacker. Has the ability Double Strike, and Shatter.This unit can attack from any position because it has dual type attack melee and range. We use this monster because high damage attack, every round can make 8 damage 4 from range and 4 from melee attack, because have a Double Strike ability which attacks twice each round. Shatter ability is the same as Immortalis ability. The monster's weakness is slow speed, hope can hit the enemy.
Spirit Hoarder. 3rd position, attacker and support. Has Triage, Dispel, and blind abilitiesIn this battle, we need this monster Blind ability which increases the chance to evade the enemy melee and ranged attack by 15%. Triage ability can heal monsters not in the first position. The Dispel ability can erase the effect of the buff from the enemy monster in the first position (Swiftness, Bloodlust, Inspire, etc). I put this unit in the middle to protect it from front and back attack because this unit has low speed and HP is easy to die.
Supply Runner, 4th position, attacker and support. Has Swiftness, and Strengthen abilityWe need this monster to further boost all our monster speed by +1 with the Swiftness ability. The Strengthen ability will make all of our monsters live longer by enhancing the HP by +1. I put it in the 4th position because want to boost this unit stat by using Marty ability from the monster in the 5th position.
Venari Marksrat, 5th position, Attacker and Support, has the ability Martyr and Ensnare.We used this monster to boost the stats of the Supply Runner in the 4th position and Doctor Blight in the 6th position with the Martyr ability. If this monster dies all the stats of the monster adjacent to it will increase by 1. The Ensnare ability will disable the Flying ability from the enemy monster who got attacked by this monster. We hope the enemy brings a unit with the Sneak ability (attack monster in the last position) and kills this monster.
Doctor Blight, 6th position, attacker, has the ability Affliction, Camouflage, Poison and Scavenger.Even though this monster is in the last position, monsters with the Sneak ability cannot attack it because Doctor Blight has the Camouflage ability, this monster can only be attacked when it advances to the first position. Affliction ability if inflicted upon attacking the enemy (50 percent change) then that unit can't receive Heal again. Every attack has a chance of 50% to give a Poison attack. Affliction and Poison combo are deadly abilities, they make the unit can't heal and must receive damage every round. Scavenger ability, every time any unit dies this monster gets increasing HP and max HP. We hope after moving to the first position this monster already has high HP.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

Did your Strategy Work?

Yes, the strategy is work but this is a hard battle. The enemy uses a Triple tanker in the front while we only have two melee tankers, and they bring only 1 magic damage which we are strong against, the other is range and melee attack. The enemy's speed is faster than ours but with the Shatter ability our Supply Runner can destroy the high armor monster Legionnaire Alvar with 1 hit, this is a great help in this battle.

Like our guess the enemy brought the Uraeus monster with the Sneak ability which attacks our Venari Marksrat, this gives our Doctor Blight and Supply Runner stats boost :

In line with our expectations, when Doctor Blight finally advanced to first place, this unit already had a large HP of 14 and managed to win the battle even though it was beaten by 2 enemy monsters.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.



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so no stun o.o

yeah only 1 monster have stun in neutral

o.o are u sure only one

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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121