Don't Use Unit With The Taunt Ability - Ferocity Ruleset

in Splinterlandslast month

Hello everyone, today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Ferocity ruleset.

I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:


  • Ferocity, all monsters have Fury ability.
    • Fury ability, do double damage against monsters with the Taunt ability.
  • Healed Out, all healing abilities from summoners and monsters are removed.
  • Up Close & Personal, only melee monster can be used in this battle.
  • mana cap.
  • can use elements Fire, and Death.

My Lineup and strategy

Because of the ruleset Ferocity just make sure not to bring any monster with the Taunt ability and prioritize more in the Up Close & Personal ruleset.
Example unit with the Taunt ability :

We decided to use the Fire element because have a summoner who can give high speed buff. We hope with high speed we can attack first and if lucky can kill the enemy before they can attack, also with high speed increasing the chance of evading the enemy attack.

This is my lineup :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Jacek the Conqureror, Summoner. Has ability Scattershot, and Piercing ability, and can give +2 speed to all friendly monsters.This is a summoner from the Fire element. I used this summoner because of its increased speed and Piercing ability (if Melee attack damage is more than the target's armor, the remainder will damage the target's health.). Another ability is Scattershot makes our range monster attack a random enemy monster, (although it's melee only battle we bring monsters who have dual attack range and melee) this ability depends on our luck/RNG to target the weak enemy monster and kill it.
Arkemis the Bear, 1st position, Attacker, support and defender. Has the ability Protect, Halving, Forcefield, and Enrage.We put this monster in the first position because it has a High HP 12 and good defense ability like Forcefield, it will make all monsters who have damage of 5 or more only give 1 damage to this monster, and to increase the capability as an attacker, it has an Enrage ability, if it hit by the enemy and decrease the HP it will increase the damage and speed of this monster. Halving ability will make the monster we hit will decrease the damage by half (round down). This is very useful to decrease the damage of the monster who attacks us. it's weaks against magic but no magic in this battle. The Protect ability is a support ability that gives all friendly monsters armor of +2, when we are attacked by melee or range attack it will hit the armor first before decreasing the HP. .
Junker, 2nd position, attacker, support and 2nd defender. Has the ability Reach, and RepairWe put this melee monster in the 2nd position because it can attack from this position with the Reach ability and the Repair ability gives armor to the unit whose armor has taken the most damage. Hope it can restore Bear armor in the first position .
Venator Kinjo, 3rd position, support. Has the ability Reflection Shield, Camouflage, Immunity, and Slow.I used it because of the Slow ability, it will decrease all enemy monster speed by -1. Amplify ability will increase the damage of the Thorn ability we will use in this battle by +1. The enemy monster can't attack this monster unless moves to the first position because has Camouflage ability. Immunity ability make this monster immune to all negative status like Stun, Poison, Blind, Cripple, etc.
Drybone Rider, 4th position, Attacker. Has the ability Double Strike, Shatter, and Cripple.This is the only melee unit we have that can attack from any position because it has dual type attack melee and range. We use this monster because it has Shatter ability, if the enemy is hit by this monster all armor will be destroyed even if it has 10 or more armor. The monster's weakness is slow speed, hope can hit the enemy. with our summoner Scattershot we depend on luck to hit the enemy monster with high armor., Sometimes in the Up Close & Personal ruleset the enemy brings monsters with high armor. Double Strike ability will make this monster attack twice each round, and if the enemy is hit by this monster attack will lose one max health because of the Cripple ability.
Ferox Defender, 5rh position, support. Has the ability Protect, Repair, and Shatter.I use this monster because can give extra armor +2 to all our monsters and (Repair ability) restore the ally armor that got the most damage. If the enemy monster has high armor it can destroy it with 1 attack because have Shatter ability. I put it in here so this monster can stay alive longer and repair the armor of the unit in front. This monster can't attack in this position until moves to the first position.
Dumacke Orc, 6th position, tanker. Has the ability Shield, Thorns, and Retaliate.I put this monster behind to protect our monster in front from the Sneak attack (ability who will target the unit in the last position) it's good defender behind has the Thorns ability which decreases the melee attacker's hp by -2 if he hits this monster combined with Venator Kinjo Amplify ability the Thorn will give -3 damage. This is a powerful monster against melee and range attacks because has Shield ability which decreases all range and melee damage by 50 percent. With the Retaliate ability if this hits by the melee enemy it have a 50% chance to hit back. The weakness of this monster is it's low HP

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

Did your Strategy Work?

All our strategies are working well :

  • With high speed, we can avoid many enemy attacks as seen above.
  • Drybone Raider managed to hit the enemy unit Legionnaire Alvar and **Dumacke Orc ** who has high armor and destroyed all its armor.
  • With the Dumacke Orc behind us, we are safe from attacks by the enemy unit Silent Sha-Vi which has the Sneak ability. With Retaliate, Thorns, and Shield abilities from Dumacke Orc as well as Amplify from Venator Kinjo, the enemy Silent Sha-Vi will die by itself when attacking Dumacke Orc.
  • Likewise, the Repair ability of Junker and Ferox Defender makes it difficult for the enemy to kill our monsters.

Even though our melee attacks in this battle were much lower than the enemy's because the enemy brought 2 monsters the Legionnaire Alvar and Harklaw who have the ability Demoralize which can reduce the damage of melee attacks by 2, we still managed to win the battle this time because of the repair and Drybone Raider range attacks destroys enemy armor. The addition of armor from Bear and Ferox Defender is also very helpful in this battle because the enemy uses a summoner that can reduce armor, after getting the -2 armor debuff from the enemy summoner we still have armor.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.



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