Hello Hive
Today, I present to you another splinterlands battle in respect to the weekly event "Battle Mage Secrets". Just as with every other week in the past, this week also came with its own unique theme "Up To Eleven". Up to Eleven is a ruleset found among the numerous rulesets of the splinterlands game. In this post, this ruleset and its best strategic battle practice shall be discussed but before that is done, kindly follow the link 👉 to the announcement post which states the guidelines for eligible participation.
Up to Eleven

As a ruleset, a novice might wonder what this does. To clarify such curiosity, the "Up To Eleven" ruleset simply gives the monsters on the battlefield the amplifying ability. What does this ability do? The amplify ability comes into play in a battle involving the thorn, magic reflect, and return fire. When battling with this ruleset, hitting a monster with the thorn ability means the attacking monster gets amplified damage (for melee monsters). Normally, when a melee monster without an ability such as a shield attacks a monster with the thorn ability, it tends to incur two damages but with amplify ability, the incurred damages are increased to three. This is the same with magic monsters. When they go against monsters with the magic reflect ability, the amplify ability increases their return damage. Ranged monsters are not spared from this ruleset as it also affects them when to choose to attack a monster with the return fire ability.
In other words, when preparing to engage in any battle with this ruleset, it is advisably wise to use monsters with abilities such as thorn, magic reflect, and return fire
Team Strategic Selection & Positioning
The strategy of this battle was carefully selected and it took into consideration the other two rulesets involved in the battle. This is a triple ruleset battle that involved the Even Stevens, Up To Eleven, and Explosive Weaponry. Due to the Even Steven ruleset, only monsters with even mana cost were eligible for selection. Also, Explosive Weaponry introduced blasts in the battle. All these were considered with making the selection.
Considering which element to use among the three available for the battle, the earth element was chosen with Obsidian emerging as the top selection. This monster is associated with magic battles and makes a better selection when hoping to use mostly magic monsters. The presence of this monster means all friendly magic monster gets an extra magic weapon. Unfortunately, this was countered by the enemy's summoner.
Why use Failed Summoner as a defense monster? The idea of using this monster in the first position falls in line with the intended strategy. First, it is worth knowing that this monster possesses the magic reflect ability which in the case of this ruleset will return an increased magic damage to a magic attacker. Health-wise, this monster can be considered average.
As a result of the involvement of the Explosive Weaponry ruleset in the battle, this monster was placed right behind the first monster. The idea is to avoid penetration of blasts from the opponent's side and this is achieved with the reflection shield ability of this very monster. The reflection shield ability excluded this monster from taking blasts or thorn damage. It also utilizes its slow ability to reduce the speed of the opponent's team giving its side the chance to make the first strikes. It is also worth knowing that this monster is immune to negative status effect which comes as a result of its immunity ability.
Mycelia taking the third position gave it more security. Not the forget Mycelia is never a walkover with its amazing abilities. With Mycelia, the team was able to get two armor protection each over their heads, this is a result of Mycelia's protect ability. More from Mycelia came in the form of healing which is an ability known as triage. This ability is used to head the back-line monster with the most damaged health
Another strategic move was the involvement of Goblin Psychic, a monster known for its numerous abilities. Psychic brought to the battle three crucial abilities, the heal tank, affliction, and silence. The heal tank which is known as a support to the front-row monster was used in healing the friendly monster which happened to be at the forefront. The Affliction on the other hand is a heal stopper. When used against a monster, it tends to stop the monster from healing or being healed. Lastly, the silence ability is an anti magic that reduces the magic weapon of the enemy's monster
This monster further brought in speed advantage with its swift ability. It is basically the reason behind its inclusion in the lineup. As a ranged monster, it also brought in its three ranged weapons.
Blight which assumed the last position came in with three abilities, affliction, camouflage, and poison. While its affliction made it the second affliction in the lineup, the camouflage excluded it from being attacked except when left remaining in the lineup, and the poison strikes its targets and causes them to lose extra two health at the end of each round
The Battle
Battle Details | |
Rulesets | Even Stevens, Up to Eleven, & Explosive Weaponry |
Mana Cap | 28 |
Available Elements | Water, Earth, & Death |
Battling Elements | Death Vs Earth |

That will be all for this week. I hope you enjoyed the read. Please join me next week for another battle mage secrets challenge same place. Leave a comment on how the strategy can be better or any other of your choice.
Thanks for stopping by
Thanks for sharing! - @underlock