Splinterlands turned 6 and Celebrating Six Years of Splinterlands

in Splinterlands29 days ago

Hello and Namaste Everyone,

It's a fantastic achievement for the splinterlands game and the entire community that this project has completed six years. Undoubtedly a great and proud moment for all of us. Crypto is a fast-moving space where it is difficult for projects to stay such a long time. If any project can be sustained for a long in the market, it shows that the project is strong in fundamentals. With this game, the experience has been amazing and it's not just me because there have been a lot of people sharing their journey. Everyone is talking well about the game and they explain how this game has transformed over the years.



The six-year completion celebration has been started and this is the time when we should be participating in the event to win some amazing rewards. This is one of the best parts about this game they keep on bringing something exciting and innovative for the community. Community is their priority and this is why the community loves them back because they know that the team is doing great work to bring more value to the game ecosystem. The team is geared up to celebrate this event with the community and for that, they have also come up with a fantastic campaign. This campaign will be happening on Twitter so we all have the opportunity to become part of it and this will be ongoing until 31st May.

My Game Journey

I started my gaming journey just before the Covid pandemic lockdown in 2020. I want to clarify that I do not come from a gaming background and before this game, I had no experience of playing blockchain games. If I remember correctly then in two thousand fifteen I used to play a lot of a game called Subway Surfer but that is a traditional game and not a blockchain game. I was not sure if I'd be able to play the game in the beginning but then I decided that I would give it time whatever is needed to learn. I agree that it took me almost 5 to 6 months to learn and understand the game. Fortunately, this was the time when I had nothing to do because it was the time for the lockdown and I lost my job. I had a lot of time because my kid's classes were happening online so we both were spending time on the game to explore different parts.

After six months I was in a position to say that I had enough information about the game but this was not complete because I think learning is still on for me. I started investing in different cards because that was the time I was mostly focused on investing in cards. Cards are very important in the game because this is what we use for our gaming on the battleground so we must have some nice cards in the account. At that time I was not sure if the rental market was there because I had no information about it and I got to know about the rental market quite late. Since that time the journey has been ongoing and now I see myself as a better gamer in the game. I'm not availing the game but whatever game I play is fun and whatever reward I earn is also good enough for me because I keep on reinvesting from time to time so hopefully I will be able to grow my account better in the next few years.



Now this six-year completion campaign is very good because this is an opportunity for all the players and community to be part of it and show the support together. The team is doing it because they want to reward the community and in exchange, we also need to support them so that they feel motivated and it gives them the boost that the community is very supportive and they love what the team is doing.

So let's come forward together and become part of this fantastic event to support our favorite game known as splinterlands. There have been multiple changes in the last few months which are good and I hope that with the changes the game will be even better so that we all love it and keep on playing for the long term because the game is growing. Once the game is grown we are going to have better value assets in our game account and it's like the future is exciting so we need to be part of it.


[Images are taken from splinterlands wherever the image source is not mentioned]

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


let's hope Splinterlands can last long, it's a great game


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