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RE: Minted My Runi

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Congrats on your RUNI! A GF would have been really an outstanding mint tbh! Although, nothing could be done at this point btw. Since we are not among the 2% of the owners of GF lol

But this new phase of sharing the chain on ETH blockchain is really something to look out for. As things are going to get much more interesting when people gets to explore RUNI in opensea and eventually end up in SL. Who knows we might see some crazy whale popping up in SL from there. If those bored NFT's could get so much hype and get sold over hundreds of ETH than RUNI with utilities does really have very nice opportunity to grow. We do need some sort of focus and probably much more of investing as we speak.

While I was late myself and had to pay extra $40 to get the ETH and the extra gas fees in those rush lol. But not that I am bothered as we got our own RUNI ;) Looking forward to playing with them in the game!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Its awesome man. I guess we all paid the extra 40. I minted mine for around 291$. Congratulations and lets brawl. Waiting to use my runi in battle