New to Splinterlands on Hive

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have a maybe stupid question. But, I would like to join Splinterlands with Hive, and I thought I could just sign in with my Hive-account, play and engage on the market. That did not work, so I had to create a new account with my e-mail address. However, I am reluctant to buy that initial spellbook, because I cannot find the option to pay with Hive or connect my newly created Splinterlands account with my Hive account. There is just an option to pay with Steem, which I have never done. How is it possible to pay and engage with Hive on Splinterlands?
I played MtG for quite a long time, but I´m new to Hive, and new to blockchain in general,so any help is greatly appreciated :)

Kindly, reishi


@mattclarke are you able to help reishi?

Thanks for referring!

Dear @reishi,
Splinterlands is not yet on Hive. Currently you still need a Steem account.
But I heard in the backgound they are working hard to bring it on the Hive chain. It is needed also, because the Steem chain since recently is not that stable anymore.
I would wait until then. Shouldn´t take too long anymore.

Thank you!
I will practice patience until then.

Hi Reishi. Sorry for the confusion and frustration. Looks like 'reishi' was generated after the fork, so only exists on hive, not on steem.
Splinterlands may at some point move to hive, but its still on steem at the moment.
Do you have discord?
The tech support channel would be the best place to ask.
Include your usernames on both chains; the guys there will be best placed to advise further.

Your help is also really appreciated!
But in this case I will follow @stayoutofherz advise and wait until the game is transported to Hive.
See you there :)

No worries. One tip; if you play up as high as you can each season (a few hours a fortnight) now, when you finally get the Summoner's spellbook; there's an excellent chance you'll have all those season reward chests waiting to be opened.

Thanks for the tip, I'll think about it.
For now though, I'll enjoy the sun and send some warm greetings from Vienna ;)

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