$1500 on a Splinterlands NFT! And no Warning of the 5% Fee, Is that LEGAL?

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Here's the raw TX data showing one of the latest Splinterlands NFT sales:

Screenshot 20210918 at 19.40.45.png

That particlar sale was for almost 100 000 SPT which is $1500.

Note that 5% of that is a fee sent to 'spt-nft'.

At least I assume that's a fee - on the front end the sale displays as 100K SPT, it's only in the background that you notice 5000 of those going NOT to the seller but to the middle-man.


I just tried a 'mock sell' without going through the final confirmation - and nothing - you get the impression you're getting the full whack.

If I were the @splinterlands team I'd go through and refund sales-fees SHARPISH - with no visible warning of those charges I think this might be illegal, and get the fees information up on this front-end.


Agreed... I bought more than a few and now selling them at higher price is not getting easy to cover the 5%, and did you know the official @splinterlands is minting nft cards on nftshowroom and who knows where else and now not only our NFT are now devalued but our SPT also... i agree, what in the actual fuck?

I didn't know that about the minting on NFT showroom.

That sucks.

Not accetable.

Agreed, they are lucky game is growing very fast or many more would be dumping their spt & nft cards

Yeah I actually think they can be more transparent with displaying the fees taken from sales before the sale is done, same with rentals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With rentals I've no problem, they've got a 'small print' section! But the fees are mental.

I just want them to be more transparent about it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure, some more transparency might be in order, but illegal is another matter. On a global distributed blockchain, in which of many jurisdictions might it be illegal and how exactly would one go about seeking redress?

Caveat emptor would seem to apply here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even if not illegal it's just plain courtesy to display the fees!

100% there should be an indication of the fee placed somewhere. I think 5% is reasonable for small purchases but taking 5% on larger purchases is too costly. An easy solution to this is having a max payable fee.

Yes - maybe cap it at $20-30.

Two years and three months later and I wonder if and how this may have been remedied. 🤔🤔 I know I still see nft fees on occasion.