Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week-177 // 10 Booster Pack Prize! /today my Art card "Undead Badger"

in Splinterlands2 years ago

hello guys,
how are you all my friends!! I Hope everybody is well.
Today in the new challenged I have appeared with my first post.
Today I am presenting to you a drawing of "Splinterlands Art Contest! // Week-177! today my drawing picture; creature name "Undead Badger". I have try to best Art.


Here are all the materials I need to draw this picture.
Materials are:
Colored Pencil-
Sign Pen-
Blending Stump-1 pcs
A4 size paper-1pcs.
first i chose the picture-link here

Undead Badger-1.png

Then I have draw the picture. first i have drawing the picture with pencil.


So come on, now let me show you the drawing methods.
Then i start paint.I look at the picture and draw the picture step by step.

First I look at the picture well, and i start draw. I first start drawing from the bodies with Green color.


Secondly, i painted his nail, ear and some parts of the body with purple color.

Then i selected tail, back leg and i use black color.

And secondly; face and front leg i use black color.

Now i use yellow color only his eyes. it looks beautiful.

At this step, i painted orange color his bodies. you can use other colors.


Thank you for continued support me!!
I hope everyone like my Drawing and support me. Thanks for Splinterlands arrange this contest.

Everybody can join this contest.
Splinterlands Art contest! //week -177 link here

Here's my referral link

Thanks everybody!! 😐😐