From Gold 1, now grinding my way to Diamond 3!

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have been grinding and working hard to reach from just Gold 3 to Gold 2 and Gold 2 to Gold 1. I have been non-stop playing my favourite blockchain game, Splinterlands and now I am making my way to the Diamond league.


From just 100K CP a few months ago, and man it was a tough journey but it was real fun. I mean, that is what Splinterlands is all about, right? A fun NFT game with a mix of investment.


I am also stoked that I finally get to stake 5K of SPS! This is great and a milestone I wanted to reach. Next is 6K and I hope I can get there before the airdrop is finished.

And now, Diamond 3 is my next goal. Can I make it?

Sometimes, I wish I can just jump my way to Champion league. But then, where is the fun in that, right? If you believe in a process, you will love every bit journey and grinding to each league of the game.

My guild really helped me in this journey

I am so happy to be part of Yield Guild Legacy, which is part of a bigger YGG guild family. It adds that special touch in my journey. The the leader and the members are really cool and supports each other. To me, that is a big value!

Grind, Grind and Grind!

There is no shortcut to success. I will continue my grind until I reach that champion league. I know I can because of your support!


That's good achievement. I'm still at Silver ll. At least the focus rewards are better now. That is if you get a good splinter !

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