Heavy Hitters Ruleset | Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Splinterlands

in Splinterlands28 days ago

Hello everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life. Welcome to my Battle Mage Secrets post. In this post, I will talk about the Heavy Hitters Ruleset.

Heavy Hitters Ruleset

In battles with the Heavy Hitters Ruleset, All Monsters have the Knock Out Ability. A Monster with the Knock Out Ability does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned, however the target must be stunned for knock out to trigger. And if you want to stun enemy Monsters, be sure to include a Monster with the Stun Ability to your lineup. Additionally, when a Monster with Stun Ability hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn.

Additionally, the Cleanse Ability removes all negative effects on the Unit in the first position on the friendly team. And Monsters with the Immunity Ability are immune to negative status effects. You can include these abilities to your lineup as a precaution against negative status effects.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Briar Patch: All Monsters have the Thorns ability.
  • Heavy Hitters: All Monsters have the Knock Out ability.
  • Ferocity: All Monsters have the Fury ability.


According to the rulesets of the battle, all monsters in this battle will have Thorns, Knock Out and Fury abilities, so using Melee Attack Monsters and Monsters with Taunt Ability in this battle will be a disadvantage, so I will not include them to my lineup. I will include Magic Attack and Ranged Attack Monsters in my team, and I expect the opposing player will have a similar strategy.

First of all, I will choose Thaddius Brood as the Summoner since I want to reduce the magic attack of all enemy magic attack monsters by 1 and the health of all enemy monsters by 1 and use the monsters in the Death Unit. Additionally, since all monsters have the Knock Out Ability, I will be including the Stun Ability in my lineup. And I will also include the Headwinds Ability in my lineup to reduce the ranged attack of all enemy ranged attack monsters by 1. And since I believe it would be beneficial to give extra +2 armor to all monsters in my team, I will also use the Protect Ability. I will also include the Poison Ability in my lineup. I believed that all of these abilities would be very effective in this battle and could help me win the battle.



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Thaddius Brood is a Death Summoner that reduces the Magic Attack of all enemy Magic Attack Monsters by 1 and the health of all enemy monsters by 1.

Position 1: USUT

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Usut is a Death Monster with Flying, Bloodlust and Oppress abilities at level 2. Usut, who attacks the target with 2 magic attacks, is a Monster that can be very effective in battles with its abilities, and since it has 4 Armor and 10 health, I put Usut in the first position.

Position 2: QUEEN OF CROWS

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Queen of Crows is a Death Monster with Close Range and Headwinds abilities at level 3. Queen of Crows can attack the target with 2 ranged attacks and I added it to my team especially since it has the Headwinds Ability. Thanks to the Headwinds Ability, the ranged attack of all enemy ranged attack monsters will be reduced by 1. I put Queen of Crows in the second position as it has 12 Health and Close Range Ability.


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Venari Bonesmith is a Death Monster with Life Leech and Poison abilities at level 4. Venari Bonesmith, who attacks the target with a magic attack, is a Monster that can be very effective in battles with its abilities, and the fact that it has the chance to poison the target and its health increases each time it damages an enemy's health (half the damage dealt) can make it very effective in battles. And I put Venari Bonesmith in the third position.


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Ravenhood Warden is a Death Monster that can attack the target with ranged attacks and has the Protect Ability from level 1. Since Ravenhood Warden has the Protect Ability, all monsters in my team will have 2 extra armor, which I believe will benefit my team in battle. And I put Ravenhood Warden in the fourth position.

Position 5: REVEALER

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Revealer is a Death Monster that can attack the target with magic attacks and has the Stun Ability from level 1. Since all monsters in this battle will have the Knock Out Ability due to the Heavy Hitters Ruleset, I added the Revealer, which has the Stun Ability, to my team. And if Revealer can stun its target, it will be much easier to destroy them. And since I wanted to keep it away from the enemies' first attacks and didn't want it to be destroyed early, I put Revealer in the fifth position.


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Dhampir Stalker is a Death Monster that can attack the target with ranged attacks and has the True Strike Ability from level 1. The fact that it can attack its target with 4 ranged attacks and has the True Strike Ability, meaning it cannot miss its targets, makes Dhampir Stalker very effective in destroying enemies, so I added Dhampir Stalker to my team and put it in the last position.


You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

The opponent player's strategy is also really good. The opposing team has Unicorn Mustang with Void Ability in the first position, and the opposing player's lineup has 2 Tank Heal Abilities, Slience Ability and Swiftness Ability, which really intimidated me. To be honest, if I hadn't included the Stun Ability in my lineup, I wouldn't have even needed to watch this battle, but fortunately, I included it in my lineup.

Round 1

In the first round, the Unicorn Mustang took serious damage, but the Tank Heal Abilities healed most of the damage it took. Although Revealer was unable to stun it, Venari Bonesmith was able to poison it.

Round 2

In the second round, Dhampir Stalker dealt 4 damage to Unicorn Mustang, while Revealer managed to stun it and then Ravenhood Warden dealt it double damage. Queen of Crows missed Unicorn Mustang, but that didn't matter because it was already poisoned and would die at the beginning of the third round.

Round 3

It would have been incredibly difficult to destroy Unicorn Mustang if I had not used the Stun Ability and Poison Ability, but fortunately I included them in my lineup and these abilities played a major role in destroying Unicorn Mustang at the beginning of the 3 rounds. After the Unicorn Mustang was destroyed, the battle became easier for my team because the other monsters in the opposing team has low health and it would not be difficult to destroy them. Additionally, Revealer also stunned Mushroom Seer, making it easier to destroy.

Round 4

There are only 3 monsters left in the opposing team and their health is very low, so it will not be difficult to destroy them, but since 2 of them have armor, the battle will take a little longer. Destroyed in Wood Nymph after attacks by Venari Bonesmith and Dhampir Stalker. Additionally, Ava the Undaunted took serious damage and only had 1 health left at the end of the fourth round.

Round 5

In the fifth round, Ava the Undaunted and Clockwork Aide were also destroyed and my team managed to win this tough battle.

The battle lasted 5 rounds and at the end of the battle, while all the monsters on the opposing team were destroyed, only one monster from my team was destroyed. My strategy worked very well in this battle and my team easily won a very difficult battle. Revealer and Venari Bonesmith really put out a great performance in this battle, especially in the second round, Revealer stunned Unicorn Mustang and changed the course of the battle, and this allowed me to win a very difficult battle very easily. This is exactly why I attach great importance to including the Stun Ability in my lineup in battles with the Heavy Hitters Ruleset.



What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

You can watch this very interesting and challenging battle from the Battle Link

All Images Taken from Splintelands.

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Thank you for reading.

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