Why is SEA MONSTER One of the Most Useful Monsters for the Team? And Daily Chest Rewards

in Splinterlands2 years ago

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SEA MONSTER is one of the strongest monsters that can attack its target with very powerful Melee Attacks and deal devastating damage to them. It is one of the Monsters that can be very useful for the team, especially with its Heal and Thorns Abilities. With its Heal Ability, Sea Monster can survive for a long time in battles, which turns into an advantage for the team. Monsters with the Heal Ability restores a portion of the Monster's health each round. The downside of Sea Monster is that it is slow and cannot evade attacks. Therefore, it can be quickly destroyed in the face of powerful attacks in high-mana battles. But it can do great battles in low-mana battles. That's why I use Sea Monster if there is a battle rule that has low mana and can attack from any position. In this way, it is much more beneficial to the team. Sea Monster really does great work in battles like this.


SEA MONSTER has the Heal Ability at level 1 has the Thorns Ability at level 6. Sea Monster is indeed one of those most powerful Monsters with two very good abilities that can be very effective in battles and very useful to the team. I am planning to upgrade this NFT card to level 10 in the future. Sea Monster makes my team much powerful with its abilities. Especially when I upgrade this NFT card to level 6, Sea Monster will be much more useful to my water team. Sea Monster is a Monster with great abilities and powerful attacks that can be very effective in winning the team in battles and turn the tide of battle. A common card, the SEA MONSTER NFT Card is currently on the market starting at $1.98. The Gold one starts at $33.85. Frankly, when I look at its capabilities and power, its price seems quite cheap. Honestly, if the crypto market hadn't dropped, I think its price wouldn't have dropped so much. The bear market offers great opportunities to upgrade my NFT cards.

Battle Link

Battle Ruleset
Close Range
Heavy Hitters
Mana Cap 12

Close Range rule means Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Heavy Hitters rule means All Monsters have the Knock Out ability.

Before starting the battle in the video, I examined the last 5 battles of the opposing player and considering the rules of the battle and the mana value of the battle, I thought that the most suitable monster for this battle was Sea Monster.

In low mana battles, if I feel that 5 or more damage will not come from the opposing team, I generally add Sea Monster to the team. Sea Monster can heal +3 of its health each round. In this way, it cannot be easily destroyed. I choose the summoner according to the last 5 battles of the opposing player and the rules of the battle. If I feel that the opposing player will prefer the Magic Attackers, I will prefer the BORTUS Summoner. In other cases, it is more advantageous to choose the KELYA FRENDUL Summoner because Sea Monster has +1 armor +1 speed.

In the battle in the video, I determined my strategy accordingly and my strategy worked very well in this battle and we managed to win the battle easily. In the video, you can watch how useful Sea Monster is for the team and how effective it is in battles. Indeed, Sea Monster is powerful enough to cope with a team alone. You can watch Sea Monster's great show and great battle in the video.

I also collected and looted 2 diamond chests today. At the beginning of the season, it is really difficult to collect diamond chests, but after a few days, I can start collecting 6 or more diamond chests.


What are your thoughts on the battle in video and SEA MONSTER? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

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I have a strong dislike of this card having been on the receiving end several times. I'll happily wave "bye" to this with the modern/wild split. Sharing this on https://twitter.com/PraetoriaDigest.

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I don't think I like Sea Monster that much because I only have a level 1 version of it and it's super slow. It generally only does 0-2 attacks before it dies.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The truth that you say yes in high-mana battles dies very quickly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting that outcome when I first looked at the match-up. Sea Monster tore through that Fire lineup like the Juggernaut! I do agree with the others, however, then when enough firepower can be brought to into a match, Sea Monster goes down with a whimper. Thanks for reminding me that context really matters for how effective each monster can be!


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