Splinterlands Rare NFT Card Giveaway #2 - My Today's Battle And My Chest Rewards (Ends 5 April UTC)

in Splinterlands2 years ago

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Hello all Splinterlands lovers,

Splinterlands is one of the best and most popular games in the crypto market. I decided to do giveaways in Splinterlands as I felt the giveaways were a great help to the players. I think these giveaways will especially support new players. But all players can participate in the giveaways. You can win one of the Rare NFT Cards by participating in today's giveaway.

Battle of the Day

Battle Link

There was Noxious Fumes rule in the battle that I shared in the video today. If Fire is active in battles with Noxious Fumes rule, I definitely add FORGOTTEN ONE to the team. In such battles, with FORGOTTEN ONE, my team wins with more than 80% probability. In such battles, FORGOTTEN ONE is my favorite Monster. I put FORGOTTEN ONE in a position based on its mana value in battle. I want him to take no damage until the last monster is left. I shared with you a battle that FORGOTTEN ONE was in, in the video, I recommend you to watch it. I can say that I won the battle in the video thanks to FORGOTTEN ONE.

You can share one of your battles in the comments.

I'm in Gold II in the game so I looted 7 chests today.


  • 17 Dark Energy Crystals (DEC)
  • 2 Legendary Potion Charge
  • 1 Alchemy Potion Charges

Today's Giveaway

Click to see the picture in its original size

You can win one of the Rare NFT cards in the picture above by participating in today's giveaway.

Good luck to all the players participating in Today's Giveaway.

You can see all the giveaways on my @rtonline blog.

Giveaway And Rules

  • To participate in the giveaway, just leave the name of the Rare NFT card, which is the prize of the day, in the comment.
  • If IGN in Splinterlands is not the same as your user name here, be sure to include in-game name(IGN) in the comment.
  • Do not make multiple comments. Multiple comments may invalidate your participation.
  • Upvotes and following are not required to enter the giveaway, but your support is greatly appreciated.
  • I will use https://wheelofnames.com to determine the winner.
  • End date to participate is April 5, 2022 (UTC)
  • After the giveaway is over, I will announce the winner in my next post.
  • Bots and spam-looking accounts cannot participate in the giveaway, and those with multiple unnecessary comments will be treated as spam.

If you have any suggestions or warnings, please let me know. You can let me know your ideas, advice and suggestions about the giveaway. If you liked this post, please give an upvote and reblog for support and for more people to see it. And feel free to comment. And You can follow me to be informed about all the giveaways.


Would you like to join Splinterlands? Here is my reference link

Thanks To Everyone Who Supported.

Thank you for reading.

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You pulled a sweet victory over Sea Monster there my friend

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There was another similar battle against Sea Monster today. In such battles, Sea Monster is very effective, but cannot resist FORGOTTEN ONE's powerful attacks.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!

Xenith Archer

IGN: @luizeba

!Gif pizza party

Soul Strangler @thestupidboy Many thanks for the giveaway

Portal Spinner @mummasmurf TY

Venari Crystalsmith, thanks for the giveaway! @forsaken99

soul strangler


Xenith Archer
IGN: amaillo-m

Goblin tower


soul strangler, thanks!

Venari crystalsmith pls

Congratulations @derfabs Your rewards has been sent.

Twilight Baslisk

Yay! 🤗
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portal spinner

Xenith Archer

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep count me in please. Goblin Tower. Many thanks - Ian. :)< @ianballantine

Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz
Xenith Archer

Xenith Archer
IGN: @galaxios

Xenith Archer please, Thanks! @cjames-40