Splinterlands Battle Mage Weekly Challenge - Holy Protection

in Splinterlands10 months ago

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Hi guys,

Hope we all doing well. This is an entry to the splinterlands weekly battle mage secrete. In this blog I’ll be sharing with you one of my battles according to a rule set.

For this battle I used my account @rubilu for this battle. I am playing in bronze league III stage currently. Let’s take a look at this gameplay.

Battle Rulesets

Ruleset IconDescription
image.pngHoly Protection: All units gain the divine shield ability which reduces the damage of the first attack received to 0.Divine shield will be re-applied when a unit is resurrected. Blast damage will remove divine shield.

My lineup


My Opponents line up


Summoner :

I chose the obsiadian summoner. As I said in my other post, I seem to be getting better and better with the cards selection with it comes to that summoner so I mostly rely on it. This time I used this cause I recently rented a summoner which has been of great help. That summoner is the kron the undying. All though it is a high mana card I can still use it. This time the mana limit for his game was 26 and as such I had to select less than six cards cause of how high the mana of kron the undying is.

1st Position

Kron the undying. This is a card I’ve rented and it has a lot of great qualities. It is a 10 mana card. It is a magic card and as such has the healing ability. It is able to restore a potion of the monster health each round. With this Rulesets it had the divine shield ability; this means the first time the monster takes damage it is ignored.


With this card I had a lot of hopes going into battle. I don’t know but I seemed to have a lot of confidence that I was gonna win this game with kron the undying.

Round 1

In this round I was attacked first. My first position card had the most speed and before the game started the magic stats was boosted with a +1. My opponents health was also booted by a +1. Because of the divine shield effects my first attack had no effect on my opponents monster card.


After the first attack my uraeus was able to deal my opponents card with some damage. My uraeus dealt his shield with a -2 damage. My opponent also had a Uraeus and as such it attacked my Uraeus back but because of the divine shield ability I wasn’t dealt with any damage.

My veteran scout attacked his first card(Grum Flameblade) next and dealt his shield with a -1 damage once more. His venari mas attacked my kron undying but couldn’t deal it with any damage. His first monster attacked back my kron undying and dealt it with damage.

In the first round neither of our cards died.

Round 2

In round 2 my kron undying restored its health back to 9 from 6 after taking a few hits in the first round. I again made the first hit and finally cleared his first monsters shield. My uraes card hit his first card and dealt it with more damage to its health. My opponents Uraeus again attacked my Uraeus and this time was able to clear away its shield. My venari scout again dealt his first card with more damage.


It was his turn to attack and as such his grum flameble and venari marksrat attacked my kron the undying and could only do little damage.

In this round too none of our cards died.

Round 3

The battle was getting heated up as none of our cards were dying. I thought it was an easy match but then I was wrong. My kron the undying healed it self back to 7 and was ready to go. My kron the undying and Uraeus attached his grum flameblade and at this stage could almost kill the monster.

round 3.PNG

His uraeus attacked my Uraeus back and dealt it with a health damage. At this stage my uraeus was almost dead with only one health remaining. My venari scout attacked his grum flame blade and left it with only 1 health at this stage.

His venari marksrat attacked my kron the undying and could as usual only deal it with little damage. His grum flameblade which was left with just one health attacked my kron the undying again but could not kill it.

In this round none of our cards died as usual.

Round 4

Things were getting scary. A match I thought was easy was turning into a hard match.

My kron the undying restored its health one more time in this new round. It threw the first blow and was able to kill my opponent’s grum flameblade with just a single hit.

round 4.PNG

In this round too my uraeus was killed by his uraeus with a single attack. It had just one health and as such could not contain the hit. his next card was Kra’ar xoc which is a scavenger card. After my card died its health boosted by a +1.

In this round my uraeus was killed by my opponent and I was also able to kill his grum flameblade card.

Round 5

In this round things started to open up. Since out cards started dying I realised the match was coming to an end. My kron the undying card boosted its health back to 7 one more time and with its first attack was able to kill my opponent’s kra’ar xoc card. My opponent’s uraeus card came into first position after I killed his kra’ar xoc card. My venari scout dealt it with a blow and was able to reduce its shield.

round 5.PNG

His venari marksrat attacked my kron the undying once more but again could only deal it with a little blow.

In this round my opponent was not able to killed any of my monster and I was able to kill one of his monsters.

Round 6

My kron the undying attacked his uraes card and as such was able to kill it.

round 6.PNG

I killed his uraes card in this round and he was not able to kill any of my cards.

Round 7

In this round, my kron the undying card boosted its health to a 10. It attacked his venari marksrat card and was able to kill it with a single blow.

round 7.PNG

His scorch fiend replaced his dead card. This was his last card. It threw the first attack and dealt me with little blow.

In this round I killed my opponents venari masksrat but he was not able to kill my card.

Round 8

My kron the undying boosted its health back to 9 and threw the first punch. But then it had no impact. My venari scout attacked and missed the attack.

round 8.PNG

In this round none of our monsters was killed.

Round 9

This was the last and final round. I had killed 4 of my opponents card and still had three string cards. He attacked first and dealt my kron the undying with little damage. It healed back to a 10 and hit it back with a single blow and was able to kill it.

round 9.PNG

I won the battle at this stage.

I finished the match in 9 rounds and only lost one card. I enjoyed this game cause it had lots of rounds.


This is my battle link

All image sources are from splinterlands.com and splintertools


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Oh wow, 9 rounds must have been fun 😅. The victory is much sweeter when the battle lasts longer and you still win. Always having a healer card who isn’t killed early is so good.

Man it wasn’t easy😂. I could have skipped the battle but I wanted to see how it would play out hehe.

😂 haha I like your perseverance

I can see these cards have a lot off impact either to end up victorious or defeated

Oh yep they are really good cards.

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