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RE: Crushed Mint

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Sounds like Main Character Syndrome XD

I remember trying to explain the possibilities and pros and cons of nfts to some gamers (some play the types of games where there are items that can be traded, sometimes crafted and traded, though I think in some of the games you're technically not "allowed" to trade or sell items but nobody cares as long as they get what they want, some play ccgs, some to all) including citing Splinterlands examples, but they are SO sure that they somehow know everything there is to know about nfts because they know of the existence of some monkey pfps and that pathetic losers steal art to mint, and anything that doesn't support their narrative is screamed down and deliberately and studiously ignored as hard as possible, like pretty much everything else in life XD


The monkey nonsense and famous people creating random shit as NFTs has done a lot of damage in my opinion, as it has made it look like there is no utility at all, making it all a joke. Though, that is pretty much what crypto is about to the majority of people - a joke :D